Friday, January 21, 2011

Why does media report negatively on priests, Christian churches & Muslims but not on bad rabbis or synagogues

Why does media report negatively on priests, Christian churches & Muslims but not on bad rabbis or synagogues?
I live in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood and through word of mouth hear of a lot of abuse cases, rabbis or Jews molesting or swindling their congregants, things that would make the Vatican look like an angel. Why does the media stay away from Jewish headlines that are negative but puts the Catholic church through the cleaners, ruining their image and reputation? Not to mention the stereotypical stories on Muslims.
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The media doesn't know how to portray raping children and blowing up civilians in a positive light. They probably stay away from negative stories about Jews because they don't want to seen as being anti-Semites. Also, they probably don't want to get on their bosses' bad sides, who are usually Jewish.
2 :
There was a news story a few months ago about a rabbi involved in selling organs like kidneys. So, there are media reports. There are many activities of other religious organizations which are not reported. For example, some Christian churches engage in financial practices like encouraging elderly to will their assets to the church. Some church employees who are supposed to work with the elderly ask them to gift them their antiques and manipulate to get included in the will. They also ask for personal gifts of money. There is a lot that goes on in religious organizations of all sorts that doesn't get reported. After all, people are people, and religious organizations are the perfect front for some con artists.

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