Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is this Catholic Pope Benedict under fire for an international criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice

Is this Catholic Pope Benedict under fire for an international criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice?
Question just rewording a little from article. Pope under fire for transfer, letter on sex abuse By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer Nicole Winfield, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 34 mins ago VATICAN CITY – Germany's sex abuse scandal has now reached Pope Benedict XVI: His former archdiocese acknowledged it transferred a suspected pedophile priest while Benedict was in charge and criticism is mounting over a 2001 Vatican directive he penned instructing bishops to keep abuse cases secret. "Canon law concerning grave crimes ... doesn't in any way interfere with or diminish the obligations of the faithful to civil laws," said Monsignor Davide Cito, a professor of canon law at Rome's Santa Croce University. The letter doesn't tell bishops to also report the crimes to police. But the Rev. John Coughlin, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame Law School, said it didn't need to. A general principle of moral theology to which every bishop should adhere is that church officials are obliged to follow civil laws where they live, he said. Yet Bishop John McAreavey of Dromore in Northern Ireland, told a news conference this week that Irish bishops "widely misinterpreted" the directive and couldn't get a clear reading from Rome on how to proceed. "One of the difficulties that bishops expressed was the fact that at times it wasn't always possible to get clear guidance from the Holy See and there wasn't always a consistent approach within the different Vatican departments," he said. "Obviously, Rome is aware of this misinterpretation and the harm that this has done, or could potentially do, to the trust that the people have in how the church deals with these matters," he said. An Irish government-authorized investigation into the scandal and cover up harshly criticized the Vatican for its mixed messages and insistence on secrecy in the 2001 directive and previous Vatican documents on the topic. "An obligation to secrecy/confidentialtiy on the part of participants in a canonical process could undoubtedly constitute an inhibition on reporting child sexual abuse to the civil authorities or others," it concluded. In the United States, Dan Shea, an attorney for several victims, has introduced the Ratzinger letter in court as evidence that the church was trying to obstruct justice. He has argued that the church impeded civil reporting by keeping the cases secret and "reserving" them for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "This is an international criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice," Shea told The Associated Press.
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are asking whether Dan Shea is right when he states the Vatican is involved in an international conspiracy to obstruct justice. You must think attorneys like Shea use exaggeration to get attention for their cases. Please. They don't do that, do they? Shea has to prove it. Time will tell. The AP penned this story. Funny they don't have anyone else except Shea making the allegation (unless you edited out any supportive sources that back up Shea).
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What do you expect from Babylon the Great?
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Matthew 7:12-29 “All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean." Right action for us all. 13 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." Few finding the road to life. 15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; 18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men]. Bad religion will be cut down because it does bad things." Few follow the golden rule or produces fine spiritual fruit of good deeds in truths. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness." Many who call themsevlves Christian have no real idea what being a Christian really means. They do lawless workers and believe that is just fine with God. 24 “Therefore everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock-mass. 25 And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and lashed against that house, but it did not cave in, for it had been founded upon the rock-mass. 26 Furthermore, everyone hearing these sayings of mine and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. 27 And the rain poured down and the floods came and the winds blew and struck against that house and it caved in, and its collapse was great.” The greater number have no idea how to builted on the true Christ teachings. So many follow pagan teachings and that is like builting on sand and so do not know how to deal with lifes big problems so their lives collapse in on them. 28 Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching; 29 for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes." Sound like the scribes [religious leaders] of Jesus day here, "One of the difficulties that bishops expressed was the fact that at times it wasn't always possible to get clear guidance from the Holy See and there wasn't always a consistent approach within the different Vatican departments," he said." No real authority to take the needed lead!
4 :
Mediator, The truth has been under stated not exaggerated! Mediator, Do "attorneys like [Dan] Shea use exaggeration" or in some cases might they under state the facts because they yet do not see the whole picture? Revelation used many symbolisms about our day. Symbolism, The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships. Revelation 18:4 New Living Translation (©2007) "Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, "Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her." Babylon the Great of Revelation is a symbolic spiritually sick religious Babylon of our day seriously sinful to a great degree. Revelation 1:1 New Living Translation (©2007) "This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place. He sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant John," One day to God can be a 1000 years so 2000 years is soon to God. The Catholic Church is not the only part of Babylon of Revelation. Many religions follow Babylon teachings today as counterfeit Christian teachings. To become knowledgeable about one area put in search > The plain truth about Christmas < and that on top of Child Sexual Abuse! If not genuine Christian teachings that is abusive too to one and all not just children no matter how nice they make it sound and look! From: The plain truth about Christmas WE'RE IN BABYLON, AND HAVEN'T KNOWN IT Christmas has become a commercial season. It's sponsored, kept alive, by the heaviest retail advertising campaigns of the year. You see a masqueraded "Santa Claus" in many stores. Ads keep us deluded and deceived about the "beautify Christmas spirit." The newspaper, who sell the ads, print flowery editorials exalting and eulogizing the pagan season, and its "spirit." A gullible people has become so inoculated, many take offense when told the truth. But the "Christmas spirit" is created each year, not to honor Christ, but to sell merchandise. Like all Satan's delusions, it appears as an "angel of light," is made to appear good. Billions of dollars are spent in this merchandising spree every year, while the cause of Christ must suffer. It's part of the economic system of Babylon. We have professed to be Christian nations, but we're in Babylon, as Bible prophecy foretold, and we don't know it. "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" - now soon to fall - is the warning of Revelation 18:4.
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