Saturday, September 1, 2012

To Catholics

To Catholics.?
What do you do if you can't go to church because the church is miles and miles away, like if you're in a scientific expedition in the north pole and staying there for about 6 months or if you'll be living in a country, for about a year, that has a Catholic minority and the place you will live in in that country has no Catholic church (I'm about to do this). I'm familiar with Orthodox churches and some other Christian denominations that the Vatican permits Catholics to participate in the Eucharist but what if this is not possible? And what if there's no TV Mass either?
Religion & Spirituality - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Don't go to church and confess to it when your next able to.
2 :
You can have the masses taped and sent to you
3 :
Take some good reading like: "The God Delusion", "The Origin of Species", and the like.. etc... you will be just fine.
4 :
In the north, one year is only one day.
5 :
Ask your parish priest before you leave...he probably has run across something similar before, and he can help you sort it out....and missing the Eucharist when you have a good reason to miss it isn't bad...God's not a heartless tyrant...
6 :
If you have access to youtube, there are a few masses uploaded there. It's just going to be the same one over and over again. Other than that, it will be out of your hands, so don't worry about it. And don't let yourself neglect to go the next time you get a chance. (i.e. when you move away again)
7 :
I am a Catholic and was a seaman once!!! I was away for about a year and when ever I am at land, I will attend the mass as much as possible, even weekday mass in foreign country and mass in foreign language!!! As Catholic, we can attend the Eastern Orthodox service but we cannot participate in the Eucharist!!!
8 :
Catholics are excused from missing Sunday Mass on grounds of illness or if they are unable for a genuine reason, and in these cases they are not under pain of sin. The best you can do is to maybe use your radio to tune into a Mass that is broadcast, failing this you can unite yourself spiritually with the faithful and even say the prayers of the Mass in union with them. God bless.
9 :
There's a thing called Spiritual Communion, If you are able to hear the mass on the radio or see it on TV you can do a Spiritual Communion, but say a good Act of Contrition first. Then ask Our Lord to come into your heart and stay awhile. Then offer up your petitions. God Bless you. Edit If there is no TV mass or radio mass you can still do a spiritual communion by your self, a good friend priest of mine said that mass is being said all over the world at different time because of the time changes so when you do a spiritual communion you can do it with ever country who is doing it at that time. There mornings come with the timechange. You don't even have to ask the name of the country God knows when and where the mass is being said.
10 :
Will you have access to the internet? if so watch Daily Mass on just go to the menu bar click on television scroll down to live tv and you have a choice of spanish or english. choose which one you want and that'll give you two more choices and choose between them and you should be able to watch Mass online. As for what to do about recieving the Holy Eucharist that's a tough one to figure out.
11 :
As far as I know you must receive at least once a year, no matter what. If all those conditions truly apply, you have a valid reason for not attending Mass. You must make every attempt to find and attend Mass, if you absolutely cannot get there because of circumstances beyond your control, it it not a sin to not go.

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