Friday, September 7, 2012

If Americans don't like Mexicans invading the USA, why don't Americans research why Mexico is encouraging this

If Americans don't like Mexicans invading the USA, why don't Americans research why Mexico is encouraging this?
I'm Mexican, I live in Mexico, and I have no intention of leaving Mexico. It surprises me to see how much Americans complain about illegal immigration, and yet don't do anything about it. The American government is not going to do anything about it because they want the cheap labor. The Mexican government is going to continue encouraging illegal immigration because we want to get rid of these Mexicans. 1.- Americans can't understand Mexicans are not created equal. Mexico is very divided between the poor and uneducated, and the educated ones. 2.-The educated Mexicans very very very rarely ever cross illegally to the USA. If the educated Mexicans cross to the USA, it will be in a legal way. Americans think ALL Mexicans want to live in the USA. However, the educated Mexicans are in no hurry of leaving Mexico. 3.- The poor uneducated Mexicans have been a drain in Mexico's resources for decades. These people never pay taxes, but they do demand medical attention, roads, housing, water and energy services. The same complain Americans have about Mexicans not paying taxes, and draining American resources is the same complain educated Mexicans have had about the poor Mexicans for decades. History is repeating itself, but this time is in another country. Let the poor Mexicans drain someone else's resources. 4.- Wherever poor uneducated Mexicans live, it becomes an unsafe dirty neighborhood. This situation is the same both in the USA and Mexico. If the uneducated Mexicans want to make the USA their home, fine by us. 5.- The Vatican has made it its agenda encouraging the poor Mexicans to find a better life in the USA. It's is in best interest of the Vatican to fill the USA as many Catholics as they can possibly get. Mexico has historically struggled to separate the church from the State because the Vatican has a lot of influence on these people. Americans should take a look at Mexico's history to know what's coming. 6.- The educated Mexicans welcome this migration because the poor uneducated Mexicans become someone else's problem. If Americans really want to put a stop to Mexicans illegally crossing to the USA, why don't they bother studying the Mexican socioeconomic situation that's creating this massive illegal immigration?
Immigration - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We have and we hate them for it.
2 :
That is what NAFTA was all about. It is an attempt to raise the standard of living in Mexico so the Mexicans will stay in Mexico. It does not seem to be working.
3 :
I don't think any of us do not understand that they leave Mexico for a better life, and that many of the more educated Mexicans are happy to have them go. That isn't a news flash. And the fact that our businesses promote this by hiring illegals to work for low wages is something that we need to crack down on. But the bottom line is that it is illegal to come into our country and setup residency without going through the proper channels. <<The Vatican has made it its agenda encouraging the poor Mexicans to find a better life in the USA. It's is in best interest of the Vatican to fill the USA as many Catholics as they can possibly get. Mexico has historically struggled to separate the church from the State because the Vatican has a lot of influence on these people. Americans should take a look at Mexico's history to know what's coming.>> I don't know what is being said in the parishes in Mexico, but I cannot find anything even remotely supporting of this accusation. Why would the Vatican want to fill the USA with as many Catholics as possible? The USA is just one of the countries in the world, not the only one. The Catholic Church is global. Also, statistics have shown a great deal of Mexican immigrants are embracing Protestant faiths once they are in America. In other words they are leaving the Catholic Church. I don't know of anyone who is against immigration, we don't have anything against legal immigrants. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to better themselves, to come to another country in hopes of making a new start, and there is nothing wrong with the Church encouraging them to do so...legally! The Catholic Church does not endorse or encourage illegal immigration.
4 :
research? what the heck do you mean? What is it about illegal that you do not understand? you do understand borders...right? how about national sovereignty? Countries belong to their citizens? rule of law is the foundation of a civilized society? jobs in a country belong to the citizens of that country? the govt of a country is supposed to serve and represent its citizens? I dont need to research not a freaking thing about Mexico......I just care about my country and my fellow citizens. you on the other hand, why dont you research how people can force their govts to have a better country...instead of fleeing like weak spined cowards to go sell themselves into virtual slavery in a place where they are seen as subhuman slave wagers????
5 :
there will be no amnesty or dream act in 43 days illegals in arizona will be the hunted if they do not voluntarily leave.your government actually prints comic books with pictures showing your lower class how to enter my country under the radar.this act in it self shows what a corrupt culture and government that you have. the next target will be anchor babies. the united states citizen his fed up with your kind and are now forming laws that will make it almost impossible to live in the shadows here ,no rock will be left unturned, your people here illegally will be exposed and deported back to their cesspool.
6 :
I'm sorry, what country are you from and live in? Based on the many times you have posted this, and clearly from your slant, you are not Mexican or reside in Mexico. Nice troll though.
7 :
We know why and it's still not our problem. Stay on YOUR side of the border, clean up the mess YOU caused or learn to live with what you've caused.
8 :
FIRST of all if ur not native american or a decedent from the Aztec race then u all invaded our land!!
9 :
So basically you are saying that the answer to my question is "YES";_ylt=AtzP96mvKQ3pxFf2Cboes7Hsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100616031217AAWHeaO ---------------------------------- @ Watson, If you are a descendant of an Aztec race you have invaded OUR land.
10 :
If only it was that simple
11 :
You sound like such an elitist pig! Regardless of what your social status is, you should have a mutual respect for your fellow compatriot. Without it, a country will never know peace. & FIY, its not only "uneducated Mexicans" who illegally enter into the United States. My grandparents were successful doctors & lawyers when they moved to The US the "right way". They did so because they simply wanted a change. & as an American I am disgusted by the way some of my fellow countrymen view immigrants. Not so much immigrants in general, but Spanish speaking immigrants. Have we forgotten that America was built by immigrants. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth century! Some were fleeing religious persecution and political turmoil or for economic reasons! Or have we forgotten all about "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
12 :
Mihijo! You asked this twice, and for what? Look, you can repeat this question a million times, but thankfully, most of us know the real reason for this post. Please, if you are as "educated" as you say you are and that you are wealthy enough to reside in an area where you do not have to be around your own REAL countrymen, then I feel sorry for you. You could learn a lot more being around the underprivileged rather than the privileged. Hard work, perseverance, making something out of nothing, and still be happy that you have a family that loves you for who you are and not what you can absorb or collect. And from some of your previous questions, it seems that you are sorely in need of that. Money doesn't buy happiness, it may make things seem better, but you will lack the basic needs of human beings such as love, respect, understanding, and acceptance. Quit living behind your facade and go out and actually live life happily.

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