Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Is my friend in a cult

Is my friend in a cult?
I just got back from camp with my Southern Baptist youth group, and one of my friends officially announced that he was converting to Catholicism. However, as we questioned him about his Catholic faith, I began to wonder if he was really going to a Catholic church. His new Church is about an hour drive from where we live, does services in Latin (I am pretty sure there is a rule now that says all services must be done in the vernacular), and considers all Popes since Pope Pius XII to be Anti-popes. He has also taken up the position that the only way to Heaven is through the Catholic faith, but I have no way of knowing if thats just his church or the stance of the Vatican as well. I don't believe this to be a cult, but I don't think it is a truly Catholic church. My very quick wikiventure found the phrase "sedevacantism," is that what his new church would be considered? I am simply looking for an explanation of what he has gotten himself into, and maybe a website with good info
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why dont you just mind your own store
2 :
I am not trying to offend but there are many who believe that the Southern Baptists are a cult.
3 :
Nope, that's not Catholic at all. Probably some new Protestant religion. EDIT: What the fuck, why are you people giving me thumbs down? I answered the fucking question!
4 :
Wait you are worried if your friend is in a cult because he is joining a branch of Christianity and you are a Baptist Thats like a master card commercial Priceless
5 :
I am not an expert on all things Catholic, as I gave up the Catholic religion years ago. However, I DO know that the Catholic church does not believe that the only way to heaven is through their faith.
6 :
If that's what he was told about the popes, then he has joined a schismatic group.
7 :
wow! talk about a Krishna calling Scientology a cult huh? -no its not catholic and yes its more than likely a cult. have a great day.
8 :
> does services in Latin (I am pretty sure there is a rule now that says all services must be done in the vernacular), Nope. Latin is fine. >and considers all Popes since Pope Pius XII to be Anti-popes. That's wrong. That's definitely NOT part of Catholic teaching. >He has also taken up the position that the only way to Heaven is through the Catholic faith I'd have to talk to him more about this to really understand his position. But #2 sounds like #3 is translated a strange way. What might have happened is he does not really understand what the Conservative Pre-Vatican II Catholicism is really like. I would educate yourself on that first. Don't force him to change beliefs. Just let him talk about them. Matt

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