Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do Catholic Hispanics still use lots of gold, silver, or other shiny chalices during Masss

Do Catholic Hispanics still use lots of gold, silver, or other shiny chalices during Masss?
And does the Vatican? Where I've lived (mostly non-Hispanic communities), I mostly just remember seeing plainer ones, a la Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I was wondering about how many cultural groups in the world still use the shiny ones a lot...? Sasha- I'm just asking because I realized this morning that I actually don't know. :P little you know. I am not even Catholic anymore, and many churches have started using the plainer chalices because they feel it is more consistent with the story and teachings of Jesus. I'm not trying to glorify the Catholics or anything, but you are just coming off as ignorant tio me. Wiccanhpp- I practiced witchcraft for a few years and did actually know that, but thanks for bringing it up just in case I or somebody else might not have known! Second comment was directed at Fungus Poop, by the looks like some of the text got cut off somehow.
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not sure why do you ask
2 :
Quoted: " I was wondering about how many cultural groups in the world still use the shiny ones a lot...?" I can tell you that many Wiccans like to use silver chalices, goblets, cups, whatever their tradition calls them. Mine is glass, but some Pagans like the silver ones. Asker, no problem. You did say "All groups" so I thought I'd chime in :)
3 :
yes.. catholics love bling bling.. thats mainly what it is to be catholic.. lots o money and shiny stuff and power and crap.. and lots of alcoholics.. and doing stuff that your own bible says not to do (use cross, pray to mary, call any man father, ect.) because you were to drunk when you re-wrote it in 300 A.D.
4 :
The Vatican definitely would, and most Catholic Churches do. I live in Central Pennsylvania, and we just got a brand new gold one with the Virgin Mary on the side. It's beautiful, man. Peace.

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