Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is your opinion on prophecies and predictions revealed to saints and seers

What is your opinion on prophecies and predictions revealed to saints and seers?
throughout time, many saints and seers have had revelations of the future and what is to come as the final judgement approaches. Some of these prophecies include: -A major clash between Islam and Christianity -A rise in sea levels that will inundate coastal cities -Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and floods throughout the world -The exile and martyrdom of a pope -The destruction of the Vatican and the Church -A great sign or warning that will show the world that God exists -Three days of darkness where all God̢۪s enemies are destroyed -The rise of a Holy Emperor and Holy Pope who will restore the Church -A new enlightened age where people live in peace -Catholicism becoming the only religion in the world -The birth and reign of the Antichrist -The return of Jesus Christ, culminating in the Final Judgement what do u think of that?
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think that's a load of bullshit, just like your bible and your god.
2 :
ONLY prophecies and predictions from the Holy Scriptures have been flawlessly accurate. AND, YA! It Is A Great Day To Be Alive!
3 :
I take them all pretty much with a grain of salt. After all, they all have to be taken on faith in a person interpreting a vision correctly, when visions are usually abstract.
4 :
5 :
Stay tuned kids, this is just the beginning.
6 :
I believe that at some point of time or another everything that involves people is due to happen. Everything that involves nature is due to happen, the titles of these groups of people or persons is what we name them- and nature will always take its' own course.
7 :
I think man is fallible and only in retrospect can we tell if prophecy is true. How many prophecies have proven untrue? It is a great day to be alive!! Good luck and God Bless!!
8 :
It's all crap. How many of these prophecies were false? If you read about 2,000 prophecies and 100 of them are correct, what does that really tell us? They were wrong way more than they were wrong. Where were predictions of the black plague? the holocaust? nuclear energy? Whatever.
9 :
Anyone who says that they know when all the world will end, when the Christ is returning... they are all liars.. They (including myself) only have opinions of what they THINKG MAY happen... Even the famous Nostradamus was wrong more than he was right (if you can call the vagueness of his predictions true predictions...) The fact is that no one knows... only God knows.. Most of the so called doomsday predictors are out to sell their books and make money.. Only thing we can do is to live our lives to the best we can and be ready when it happens. When God calls your name.. you got to scoot! :)
10 :
if you believe the tells us to test the spirits to see which are from takes spiritual discernment to be able to tell whether or not a prophet is of God...there are false prophets, and many of them, and some of which some of their prophecies come true....only God can give you the wisdom to be able to discern....there is one prophecy i know will come to pass, and that is Jesus Christ coming back to take away His church....and thats what we as Christians are getting ready for, or should be gettin ready for...those who are accounted worthy will escape the judgement of the world, and the world is ripe for what better time than now, for us to turn from our sinful ways and seek God with a sincere heart....
11 :
Many so-called seers and prognosticators have said some very vague, general things that allow for a multitude of interpretations... this, in turn, allows the interpreter to see exactly what he/she wants to see. You list things like "A major clash between Islam and Christianity"... which could already be pointed to countless times throughout the history of those religions and their interactions. Not too impressive. Or... "Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and floods throughout the world" Of course, there have always been all of those natural disasters throughout the world, and sometimes a number of them occur at close to the same time. At the catastrophic, world-destroying level? Well, that hasn't happened yet... and that's the other point here. Push the prediction into the far-flung future and no one can deny the possibility. I guess Catholicism could be, one day, the only religion... seems unlikely to me, but since it hasn't happened, the prediction can't yet be proven false. Anyway, to answer more directly, I harbor significant doubts as to the authenticity of any so-called prophecy.
12 :
Think to what I think about your question..and my opinion is 1) what your bible's say is not your god words because your god never say he will return in the final judgement day,why ? because he is a human and he is dead. 2) what your prophecies is not your god works because he can't save his self so how he can do it 3) if you would like know much about what and who your real god...come to ( or, and I believe you can get the real true for your life.

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