Saturday, May 7, 2011

1 What do you think about Bin Ladens charge against the Vatican that there is a new crusade against Muslims

1 What do you think about Bin Ladens charge against the Vatican that there is a new crusade against Muslims?
(In the newest audiotaped accusation from Osama bin Ladan accusing Pope Benedict XVI of leading a 'new Crusade...') When lately Alquida in Iraq are responsible for the death of Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho who was abducted last month. And responsible for many other Christian deaths also. Muslims are responsible for many Christian deaths all over the Middle East. 2 Why does Osama Bin Laden think that if he accuses Christians of attacking Muslims, people won't realize that Muslims are murdering Christians. Christians aren't murdering any Muslims. Jesus never told us to murder Muslims because they don't believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus told us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul & strength & to love others as ourselves & to love our enemies also. Pimpinrif, The only time a Christian would kill a Muslim, is if a Muslim was strapped with bombs & heading for a crouded restaurant & the Christian would intercept. If the Christian was in the army, then hopefully the Christian could kill the suicide bomber before he entered the public place & killed others & himself. Jesus said to Peter, "Put the sword down. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.". The true sword of the Christian believer is the 'Spoken Word of God!'. Imacatholic, Do you think Osamah might be baiting the Pope? Since the Pope is speaking against the war...
Religion & Spirituality - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
your right there is no crusade from the christian perspective...but you'll never convice the media to that fact nor 99% of the muslim world.
2 :
who even takes Osama Bin Laden's accusation seriously?
3 :
heck, if that muslim nut wants it, i say bring it on. not crusade, but an inquisition. bring out the iron maiden, mr pope!
4 :
what about all the dead in iraq , its not just sectarian violence . what about chechnya did no-one die there at the hand of christian russians. now c'mon im against osama bin ladin as well, but dont say christians dont kill muslims as well.
5 :
It's probably another fake tape.
6 :
Osama Bin Laden is INSANE and EVIL. Don't take anything he says seriously. Remember, this is the man responsible for 9/11!
7 :
The "charge" against the Muslim is not yet, but will be. Laden has delivered the means by which the Muslim is already dead.
8 :
You have to understand the mind of those that are brain washed into believing that everything Osama says is truth. If he does not send out a message like this on a regular basis his followers will not follow. He has to keep the young mindwashed hot heads riled up so that he can continue to murder christians because we do not believe as he does. He really doesn't care what other nations think he just wants his young 20's kids to support him and go on suicide missions. He wants to use mentally challenged people and crippled people and old people to be his suicide bombers because "they add nothing to society". Osama is as bad if not worse than Hitler. Those two both deserve special places in hell. We are not "murdering" muslims in Iraq of Afghanstain we are trying to prop up countries that are tired of the "Osama Muslim rules". There are countries that are muslim that live by strict laws that DO NOT kill Christians. We are not attacking those countries. We do condem some of the rules they have but we are not killing them. It truly would be nice if we all had a leader who didn't deceide to cut off the internet, edit newspapers and the news, tell us how many children we can have, tell us what we can and can't do in our own homes, and a whole list of crazy things that some of the current leaders are doing. But I guess each country has to have an insane leader once in a while.
9 :
A vicious killer who wants to justify his evil works will always find a way to make himself a hero. For this, he will always have a good reason that what he does is just to protect his people and to serve his God. This is also another way calling fellow Muslims to hate non-Muslims specially Catholics or Christians.
10 :
I am surprised that Bin Laden accused the Pope of "a new Crusade in which the pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role.” I challenge anyone to show me one place where the Pope has ever supported this supposed new Crusade. Actually, the Pope was against the war in Iraq from before it began and has never waivered in his condemnation of both Bush's offensive war and all terrorism whether it sprang from militant Islamic, Jewish, Christian, or Atheistic sources. With love in Christ.

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