Monday, March 14, 2011

Will you listen to me since I DECODED the Holy Bible and found that the Vatican and the pastors are wrong

Will you listen to me since I DECODED the Holy Bible and found that the Vatican and the pastors are wrong?
Do you think if you read Matthew Chapter 27 Verse 45 where it says, “Jesus Dies on the Cross,” you will see the number 6 and 9, and the atomic bomb ‘Little Man’ was dropped on the City of Hiroshima on the 6th Day, and ‘Fat Man’ was dropped on the 9th day, and you can quote those two sentences to see clearly? “Now from the 6th hour until the 9th hour the was darkness over all the land.” On the 6th day if you look at the date Hiroshima was bombed you will see it was the 6th day, and for 3 days there was darkness over all the land as people were wondering which city will be nuked next. “And about the 9th hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “My God, My God.” In America and around the world people saw and heard about the nuking of the city of Nagasaki and started saying, “My God, My God. Oh My God!!! Oh My God they! They just nuked another city!!! The Holy Bible is all in PARABLES! When Jesus died on the cross the temple was split in two. When the city of Nagasaki was nukes the temples were torn down. If you read Matthew Chapter 24 Verse 2 Jesus said, “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another that will not be thrown down.” Since the building were torn in two when Jesus died on the cross what temple’s stones were blown away and not one stone remained atop another? Do you think Jesus was talking about the nuking of the City of Nagasaki and the atomic bomb blew every stone block down as it Desolated the city? Do you think the Prophet Daniel from the Holy Bible in Chapter 11 and 12 were warning us about World War III where he said the Northern King will go out conquering, and the Northern King is an American President in our future, because the name PRESIDENT and NORTH AMERICA never existed when Daniel the Prophet was on earth? Could Daniel the Prophet was calling the President the King from the North to give us the heads up. Could Daniel the Prophet was calling our nuclear missiles the ‘Abomination of desolation, because the nukes are an Abomination to all life and the nukes DESOLATED two cities? If you read at the bottom of Chapter 12 can you see that he was telling us how long that war will take? If the never had nukes and they never had the name nukes could Daniel chose words that are similar like Abomination, and the nukes Desolates lands, so he chose the name ‘Abomination of Desolation? Do you think I make any sense, because I’m starting to look up all websites to place my story for anyone on this planet to help me get the President’s attention? Do you believe the Holy Bible is talking about World War III and the Holy Bible is THE TIME TABLE for WORLD WAR III? Am I worth listen to? Do you think Jesus knew that we will turn from him and make nukes as our Lords that brings peace to governments who cannot get along, and if they cannot get along they will launch their nukes at us and lock their bunker doors? Since the Vatican has a bunker and the Pope sits on a throne do you think the Pope plans to grab his throne and turn his back on the children and babies as our father and abandoned us all by locking himself in a bunker and leave us on the surface of the earth to die by Man-Made Nuclear Lords? Since the word Nuclear weapons were never invented over 2 thousand years ago do you think Daniel named our nukes the ‘Abomination of Desolation, because they do DESOLATE LANDS? He said that the daily sacrifice will be taken away and the Abomination of Desolation will be set up in the Holy Place and the Holy Place is Israel and now Israel has nukes? Did our Lord came on a mushroom cloud with power and great glory and judged the children who were living in the city of Nagasaki and then stopped World War II? Will our Nuclear Prince of peace that we are worshiping stop World War III?
Religion & Spirituality - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'll give my car to anyone that reads that through to the end.
2 :
Well...if it's helpful to hear, your bs doesn't sound any crazier than the regular bs people usually spout about that stuff.
3 :
No I won't listen and I am certainly not ploughing through a wall of text. Thank you for asking.
4 :
Galatians 1:6-8 (New International Version) No Other Gospel 6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
5 :
You do have an active imagination judging from the little I read.
6 :
no Matthew Chapter 27 Verse 45 has nothing to do with what you are ranting about
7 :
You didn't decode the Bible. First of all, someone already came up with all of this. Second of all, no, your're not worth listening to @ Anon: I really read that whole thing. Pay up my friend...
8 :
Time to adjust the tin foil hat there buddy. (Oh and I am not reading that, not even for Anon's car)
9 :
We already know who didit. Jeremiah 8;8. it's alraedy been done for us. Revelation 2: 9B...part.
10 :
Yeah... Good luck with that. I'm not reading that....
11 :
So, what happens to your theories when you realize that the chapters and numbered verses did not exist in the original texts, they were continuous scrolls. What of other languages, the verses and numbers might differ...

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