Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our Italian holiday - Rome

Our Italian holiday - Rome

Rome was our first stop. After more than 6 months of preparation, with much excitement and anxiety, my wife and I landed in Rome Campinion Airport on 26/7/2014 at about 11:00 local time. It was a free & easy self-planned holiday which will bring us to Rome, Assisi, Florence, Padua, Venice and Milan ...

Saint Pie X - Pape (257 ème) de 1903 à 1914 (✝ 1914)

Giuseppe Merchiore SartoEnfant de la terre, né dans une humble famille de Vénétie, Joseph Sarto est le symbole de la simplicité et de la fermeté dogmatique suivant sa doctrine: "Tout rénover dans le Christ". Curé, puis évêque de Mantoue, patriarche de Venise, pape enfin en 1903. L'époque était diffi ...

Cronici mondene (149) Cruciada naivilor

Tot scandalul provocat de vizita lui Miroslav Volf la ITPB (Institutul Teologic Penticostal din București) a avut și o latură pozitivă: a fost abandonat amestecul politicului, omenescului, cu Numele lui Dumnezeu. S-au invocat dreapta credință, adevărul care trebuie să iasă la iveală, au fost analiza ...

The LMS is joining the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage to Rome in October!

Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Pell each to celebrate Old Rite Masses during this year's Pilgrimage Full details and booking here. Cardinal Pell has agreed to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form on 24 October and Cardinal Burke has committed to celebrate in the Old Rite on 25 October. Both these M ...

Iraq, il Papa: è lecito fermare l’aggressione, non bombardare.

Iraq, il Papa: è lecito fermare l’aggressione, non bombardare. È la terza guerra mondiale, ma a pezzi 18 agosto 2014 IN QUESTO ARTICOLO Media Argomenti: Chiesa Apostolica Romana | Benedetto XI | Italia | Onu | Matteo Ricci | Cina | Medio Oriente | Shimon Peres | Kurdistan My24 ascolta questa pagina ...

Time to act? Church teaches duty to intervene to prevent genocide

Pope Francis has echoed a century of papal pleas: No more war! But, referring to the outrageous violations of human rights taking place in north-eastern Iraq, he also begged, Stop these crimes! The Catholic Church for millennia has taught that war must be a last resort to resolve problems. But it co ...

Princely Splendour - Sacred music from 18th century Rome

Princely Splendour - Sacred music from 18th century Rome; Harmonia Sacra, Peter Leech; Nimbus Alliance Reviewed by Robert Hugillon Aug 15 2014 Star rating: 4.0 A fascinating survey of sacred music from 18th century Rome, much of it with Royal connections This disc from Peter Leech and Harmonia Sacra ...

A Willing Vatican’s Pet State

Pope Francis and China

Originally at: by John Allen SEOUL — There are a handful of never-ending stories on the Vatican beat, dramas that flare up and recede without reaching resolution. Reconc ...

A Day in Vatican City

First day in Rome. Since it was scheduled to rain, my traveling buddy Amy and I bundled up and headed to the Vatican. Unfortunately it didn’t rain at all -_- Or I guess that’s fortunate, right? First impressions on Rome: there are tourists EVERYWHERE. You can tell because they all walk in groups. Th ...

Revealed: The Pope's war with the Vatican

If you want to understand how Pope Francis is planning to change the Catholic church, then don’t waste time searching for clues in the charming, self-effacing press conference he gave on the plane back from South Korea on Monday. It’s easy to be misled ...

Pope: Thanks for prayers for my family's grief

Francis listened as priests expressed condolences in several languages during his weekly public audience at the Vatican. Later in the day, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner telephoned Francis to express "condolences from her and from the ...

China warns Vatican not to 'interfere' with religion

China has reacted cautiously to a bid by Pope Francis to open new dialogue with Beijing, with some officials quick to warn the Vatican not to “interfere” with the country’s religion. On his return flight from a five-day tour of South Korea, Francis ...

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