Thursday, August 21, 2014

Vatican Signs Covenant With Israel! הוותיקן סימני ברית עם ישראל

Vatican Signs Covenant With Israel! הוותיקן סימני ברית עם ישראל

Mary Prays For Francis, Mission of Peace

by Jakob Marschner The day before Pope Francis told he is ready to go to Iraq, the Virgin Mary told Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic that she prays for his mission of peace. On August 18, the day of Francis’ announcement, she warned that Satan wants to destroy her plans and asked for perseveranc ...

Pope Francis says he expects to live two or three more years and may retire Pope Francis has publicly broached the prospect of his own death for the first time, light-heartedly giving himself “two or three years” but not ruling out retirement before then. Talking to reporters o ...

Place for travel

Many time all want travel to beautiful and exotic place that are very shine, picturesque, relaxing, peaceful and unforgettable. Some place that I recommend are: 1 Thailand: this is a beautiful place there are clean beach and many spa for relax. This country have ancestral culture and only activities ...

Centenaire de la mort de Saint Pie X, pp

Nous célébrons cette année le cent enaire de la naissance au Ciel d’un très grand Pape, Saint Pie X. Confions-lui l’Eglise et ses pasteurs. Tombeau du Pape Saint Pie X, Saint-Pierre du Vatican Le lundi 31 juillet 1903, les 64 cardinaux électeurs sont quasiment tous présents à Rome pour l’inhumation ...

The Centenary of the Death of St Pope Pius X

Félix Sébastopol Rasumny 1869 - 1940 Medallion of Saint Pope Pius X 1904 Bronze sculpture 0.067 m x 0.05 m Musée d'Orsay, Paris Rasumny was a Ukranian engraver, born in Sebastopol, who emigrated to France. He regularly exhibited, including at the Salon He executed a number of religious commissions s ...

Little girl’s curiosity. Jaipur, India. ‪#‎wanderlust‬

Welcome to the new series of Hot & Delicious travel short-pieces where I share my photos from around the world and the moments behind them in short form. I’ve traveled the globe and yes, it’s long past time I started sharing some of the wonderful moments I’ve been blessed enough to experience. When ...

The Palestine I Know & What To Do With It

I’ve never been to Palestine, but my family has ethnic origins from there. My parents were born in different countries, but both sets of my grandparents were born in Palestine. I didn’t get to hear the stories about how they fled a war-ravaged land, because I don’t speak their language well enough, ...

Irak : "Arrêter n'est pas bombarder"

Irak : "Arrêter n'est pas bombarder" 2014-08-20 Radio Vatican (RV) Entretien- Lors de la conférence de presse à bord de l'avion qui le ramenait de Séoul, le Pape François a répondu à une question sur l'opportunité d'une intervention militaire en Irak. Le Pape a assuré que, “ dans les cas où il y a a ...

Audience générale: le pape revient sur son voyage en Corée

Audience générale: le pape revient sur son voyage en Corée Deux jours après son retour de Corée, le Pape François est revenu sur son voyage au cours de l'audience générale dans la salle Paul VI du Vatican. " J'ai pu visiter une Eglise jeune et dynamique fondée sur les témoignages des martyrs et anim ...

What pressure from the Vatican is doing to American nuns

Facing declining numbers and challenges from the Vatican, American nuns are reassessing their work on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, which brings together representatives of more than 80 percent of ...

Hopes rise for closer Sino-Vatican ties

Hopes of improvement in the strained relations between China and the Vatican have risen after Beijing allowed Pope Francis to enter its airspace en route to South Korea last week, making him the first pontiff to do so since 1989. Positive signs were also ...

Signs of a thaw in Sino-Vatican relations after pope's gesture

Relations between the world's most powerful communist state and the Vatican are always going to be difficult. But since Pope Francis took office, there have been significant if tentative steps to launch a more constructive dialogue. The popular pontiff's ...

Vatican Insider: Pope 'Joking Around' About Years Left

Pope Francis' recent remark that he would be going "to the House of the Father in two or three years" was made while enjoying a light moment with journalists and not a foreboding about his overall state of health, says Vatican correspondent Edward Pentin ...

San Lorenzo travel to Vatican, present Libertadores trophy to Pope Francis

Soccer took center stage at the Vatican this morning when members of San Lorenzo visited their most famous fan, Pope Francis, to share the joy of winning the Copa Libertadores last week. Pope Francis introduced the members of San Lorenzo to the crowd that ...

Select Italy Offers Vatican and Rome Special Services On the Occasion of Pope Paul VI's Beatification

Select Italy offers special tours of the Vatican and Rome available for tourists attending the Beatification of Paul VI that will take place in October. Thousands of devotees are expected in Rome on October 19 for the Beatification of Pope Paul VI.

China media: Vatican ties

Media are cautiously optimistic over Beijing-Vatican ties after telegrams sent before and after Pope Francis's visit to South Korea. Enroute to Rome, the Pope sent a telegram to President Xi Jinping as a follow-up to a message he had sent when he flew over ...

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