Wednesday, September 21, 2011

is gallieleo gallilei in hell right now?, he believe in the heliocentric theory, but its just a theory right

is gallieleo gallilei in hell right now?, he believe in the heliocentric theory, but its just a theory right?
i mean wtf is he talking about? living in a universe that is not created entirely for us human kind?, and that the earth is not the center of the solar system pathetic dumb@ss!!! no wonder he deserves to be executed, by the ever glorious and magnificent catholic church located in the ever spectacular and pure vatican,..of the gracious holy see!,..he was a right wing dumb@ss, and completely believe that the earth is spherical hahaha!
Religion & Spirituality - 6 Answers
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1 :
Better get your facts straight. Your ignorance is showing! Galileo wasn't executed. He was sanctioned for teaching things that were impossible for anyone to prove at that time, and on many of those things, he was actually mistaken.
2 :
nice sarcasm. Believe it or not, there ARE people out there who seriously still believe the old discarded theory of the Earth at the center of the universe.
3 :
Ah, there's no more evidence for a Hell as for the Sun orbiting the Earth. @Mark: "He was sanctioned for teaching things that were impossible for anyone to prove at that time, and on many of those things, he was actually mistaken." Incorrect. Galileo tried to use evidence of non-geocentrism, using observation of Jupiter's moons. If non-geocentrism could be established, then heliocentrism was a possibility, but would need further research. Of course, considering potential outcomes of such research would need freedom of belief... "Freedom of belief is pernicious. It is nothing but the freedom to be wrong." -Cardinal Bellarmine Galileo argued in favour of experiments to learn more: "The doctrine of the movements of the earth and the fixity of the sun is condemned on the ground that the Scriptures speak in many places of the sun moving and the earth standing still... I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments and demonstrations." The church was having none of it, and made a formal declaration in its indictment of Galileo: "The doctrine that the earth is neither the center of the universe nor immovable, but moves even with a daily rotation, is absurd, and both psychologically and theologically false, and at the least an error of faith." Cardinal Bellarmine, during the trial of Galileo, stated: "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin." Of course, he may have been correct there... Thereby the church not only EXPLICITLY DENIED heliocentrism, despite a lack of evidence for such a position, but it tried to stifle any use of evidence to investigate further, in case it produced results that conflicted with its doctrine. No science for them, thank you! Thus he was sanctioned for a) using evidence to disprove geocentrism and b) trying to seek evidence to prove heliocentrism, as both the hypothesis and the idea of using evidence were contrary to church doctrine. The church's claims were impossible to prove using evidence (as they're completely incorrect), and were based on scripture (revealing the validity of such scripture). In each case Galileo was correct and the church incorrect. The same church finally accepted Galileo had been right - in 1992. "Better get your facts straight. Your ignorance is showing!" Right back at ya! I note that President Robert Mugabe, the dictator who ran Zimbabwe into the ground, named one of his children Bellarmine, so he's clearly a bit of a role model for such people...
4 :
Galileo presented a theory of heliocentrism The theory that the sun is at the centre of our solar system. This is credited by science as the first theory of relativity!! Einstines theories were: The Special theory of relativity. The General theory of relativity Galileo was forced to recant his heliocentrism and was placed under house arrest for lif and died a prisoner!! So you obviouslt think the sun orbits the Earth!! The christians churches appologised to Galileo for their treatment of him and acknowledged he spoke the truth after his death!!! Your post describes the BAD christian screwed thinking as described by the christian churches!! The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!! Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!! Nice that christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at your expense!! But behind the laughter is the despair at a fundamentalist striving so hard to destroy christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!!!!
5 :
galileo case The celebrated case of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian physicist and astronomer, whose conflict with ecclesiastical authorities has become part of world history. In 1616 he was brought before the Inquisition on the charge of ignoring the implications of the Copernican(heliocentric) theory, which seemed to contradict the biblical story of the stopping of the sun in the Book of Joshua. Significantly, the Polish astronomer Copernicus in the previous century had dedicated to Pope Paul III in 1543 his published theory that the sun ins the center of a great system and that the earth is a planet revolving about it. In obedience to the ruling of the Inquisition, Galileo promised not to teach Copernicus' theory as anything as a hypothesis, as in fact the proofs for the theory (on modern scientific principles) were not conclusive. In 1632, Galileo was again asked to come to Rome, this time for alleged breach of contract, since he had meantime published a satirical work, Dialogue, bitterly attacking his opponents. He was detained for twenty-two days in the buildings of the Holy Office, and he promised not to urge the Copernican system as a proved fact. Before he died in Florence in 1642, he received the special blessing of Pope Urban VIII. No question of papal infallibility was involved. In Galileo's case the Church defined nothing and uttered no doctrine. It made a disciplinary prohibition to protect the faithful from the disturbing effect of a then unproved hypothesis. St. Robert Bellarmine, who was involved in the Galileo affair, wrote that if a real proof were found that the sun was fixed and did not revolve around the earth, "it would be necessary to acknowledge that the passages in Scripture which appear to contradict this fact have been misunderstood." Recent scholarship has shown that the document that led to Galileo's trial in Rome (1633) was a forgery. It had been planted in the Roman Curia by an unscrupulous official. It falsely charged Galileo with having been enjoined seventeen years before from teaching the Copernican system. Galileo's famous trial, therefore, was based on this "document," which he had never before seen. In 1979, Pope John Paul II called for the formal exoneration of Galileo.
6 :
<<is Galileo gallilei in hell right now?>> Only God knows that. <<he believe in the heliocentric theory, but its just a theory right?>> Yes, but at the time it was only a theory and could not yet be proved. Not only did the Church not believe him, neither did many of his scientific peers, as well as the Protestants. <<no wonder he deserves to be executed>> He wasn't executed. He died of old age. Galileo was actually a good friend of the Pope at that time. The heliocentric theory was actually first put forth by the Catholic monk, Copernicus. Galileo built on his theory. The problem Galileo ran into was not with the theory, but with his insistence that the Church declare his theory dogma. The Church would not. Galileo then wrote a very inflammatory book in which he called the Pope (his friend) a fool. This didn't set well, obviously. The ultimate outcome was he was sentenced to house arrest, which meant he lived in a posh room in the Vatican for a while then the rest of his life in a mansion in France with a good friend. He was allowed in the Vatican, and then in the mansion, to continue his studies and research. <<and completely believe that the earth is spherical >> You're confused. The heliocentric theory has nothing to do with the earth being round, that was an issue prior to this. The heliocentric theory is the now known fact, that the earth revolves around the sun. Prior to this knowledge it was thought that the sun revolved around the earth.

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