Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you think NAZI's would challenge the decendants of Jesus? What IQ is required to believe in virgin birth

Do you think NAZI's would challenge the decendants of Jesus? What IQ is required to believe in virgin birth?
An "albino" decendant of Jesus would make Hitler look like pea soup. revelation 1:14 is how I know Jesus was an albino. Plus many other reasons. Put you imaginary fantasies in your pocket. Read Revelation 1;14. You have a living albino standing there. The sword was a Roman military weapon. It was sticking out of Jesus's sword scabbard. His feet wore roman military boots. Pleas don't bore me with other explanations from church. I am reading what it says and taking it literally and seeing through the smokescreen of myth that you all adhere so reverently to. The Illuminati are the coaches of the Vatican. Hitler challenge Pius and Hitlers army froze to death in the Siberian winter. You do not challenge the Illuminati. If you do you will die. And it was a exceptionally severe winter. You do not know what power secrets have been handed down for generations. Some have said my IQ is 80. What IQ does it take to believe Jesus was born of a virgin. Duh.
Philosophy - 6 Answers
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1 :
hail Eris.
2 :
Jesus had no descendants. The Illuminati do not exist. God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world!
3 :
I'll only answer the second question you asked: IQ has nothing to do with believing in the birth of Jesus. It has to do with faith, which goes on inside of your heart. The love and devotion to God cannot be determined by one's level of intelligence. As for the word 'virgin', in biblical terms simply meant young girl/maiden. Incidently, premature ejaculation near the vagina can lead to a virgin getting pregnant. Sperm can live up to a week, and if any of that semen manages to get inside, (wiping, etc) it has a chance to swim, swim, swim.
4 :
My friend you are challenging your very own intelligence.Good luck with that.A Non-player.PS. Jebus was a dark-skinned male with possible roots in Turkey.
5 :
Revelation 1:14..."His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were like blazing fire." Since when does having white hair make you an albino? And last I checked, eyes like fire aren't usually a characteristic of someone with albinism. The Illuminati aren't even real. Hitler's armies did not freeze to death in the Siberian winter. They suffered millions of casualties in the Battle of Stalingrad, fighting against the Russians who were simply more determined--not the elements--and had to turn back. Yes, there were a few casualties during the march, because Hitler was an idiot and did not properly equip his men for the cold which was COMPLETELY NORMAL. The sword was around long before the Roman Empire. Even in the Old Testament it is used as a symbol of God's judgement. The Romans didn't wear boots. They wore heavy sandals into battle, and I have seen nothing in Revelation 1 to indicate that Jesus was wearing either boots or Roman-style sandals when John saw Him. And if you read verse 16 again--I assume that's where you're getting the idea of the sword--you'll find that the sword wasn't in a scabbard. It was coming out of Jesus' mouth...not something that's very conducive to be taken literally. But I do believe in the virgin birth...I'll give you that much. God is more than capable of accomplishing something like that. Taarna, 'virgin' meant the exact same thing back then that it means now. The whole point of a miraculous birth was to set Jesus apart in a way that modern science cannot rationalize away.
6 :
You had me going there for awhile. It helps to have a low IQ for an irrational belief system, however, since we're 'hard-wired' with obsolete genes, many others will also believe in a distorted worldview....low IQ or not.

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