Thursday, July 21, 2011

If Christianity truly is the chosen belief of the Creator

If Christianity truly is the chosen belief of the Creator:?
If Christianity truly is the chosen belief of the Creator then why did he wait so long before bringing it to the people? To my way of thinking if Christianity is the only "right" religion then it should have been given to Adam and Eve. Then they should have taught it to all their decendants. Instead God chose to wait over 100,000 years before letting the people know the "right" way to go to heaven and sit at his side. This just seems rather mean to me. Think about it: All those people having to wait in Hell for a hundred thousand years; until Jesus comes, dies and offers them redemption. Yes they got out but why make them stay down there for so long to begin with? I use the 100,000 year reference because there are still some who think the earth is only 100,000 years old; so that would be the minimum for humans to live here. Yes I know the Vatican and almost all Catholic followings have said this calculation was completely wrong in every way but the message still hasn't gotten through to everyone.
Religion & Spirituality - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Uh, actually, I heard that God is a Buddhist.
2 :
God spoke of Jesus in Genesis. It has always been His plan. He always speaks of Jesus.
3 :
True Christianity should be indistinguishable from the TRUE Jewish faith given by Moses. We believe in the same GOD. Why would GOD set different rules for the Jews than for Christianity? Grace has ALWAYS been through faith! etc. More can be said. GOD bless
4 :
first of all no one was in hell.when you die your spirit is aware of nothing your body decays so their is no suffering after death,all who have heard about christ can either accept him or reject him and his commandmits those who never knew christ will have a short time to acceppt him at the white throne judgement after his millnium reign
5 :
Population control. Heaven would be too crowded, dear.
6 :
God did give it to adam and eve, and to all the jewish people. he wrote his laws in the New Testament and required his people to keep them. if they disobeyed and sinned they had to pay a blood sacrifice. God realized that because we are sinners this would never last long and he would lose us all. So he gave his son up, and sent him into our world to live a perfect life and die an innocent death to pay for the sins of all the world. and now we can all be saved by belife in Christ. Christianity is a relationship with God, not a religion, anyone can have it. Past, present or future.
7 :
According to the Bible people have always be justified by faith throughout the years. Christianity is a deeper revelation of relationship with God and mankind but faith has always been the key to salvation.
8 :
You hit the nail on the head! Why did "god" take humanity through all of this drama? It just doesn't make any sense. If a god really desired a race of humans who would be with it, why did it not create a race to do just that? Instead, it seems. that this "god" wanted to get its jolly's by torturing a few billion and "saving" many less. Behold the myth.
9 :
RD, I am a "Young Earth" believer. I personally do NOT believe that anyone is or has been subjected to HELL yet. That will not happen until the Judgment (of CHRIST). I believe that the Old Testament was meant to lead us to the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus CHRIST. HE came to open the gates of Heaven so that we would have an avenue into Heaven. According to the scriptures, all will be Judged according to the time and era that they lived in and are subject to the guidelines laid out by our FATHER in their time. Have a great Christmas. Thanks, Eds ------ .
10 :
Christianity is a Religion. People are not saved by religion. All people, regardless of when they lived are saved by one thing, FAITH AND TRUST IN GOD. In the old testament, people believed God and looked forward to the day He would come as a Saviour. During the early New Testament times, people believed God and trusted Jesus Christ, and now, we believe God and look to Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone is saved the same way. No change, No difference, No waiting in Hell.
11 :
If you understood the Word of God, you would realize the Gospel was proclaimed even to Adam and Eve: "And I (God) will put enmity Between you (the Serpent) and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." "The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." Genesis 3:15;21 The promised seed is Messiah. The shedding of blood necessary to clothe Adam and Eve's nakedness prefigured the cross. God continued to preach the Gospel throughout the Scriptures - only the Old Testament saints looked forward to Messiah, whereas we look back. If you had faith, you would see; but because you say "I see", you are without understanding.
12 :
I personally think of religions as like the spokes of a wheel, all leading toward the center, which is God. Each spoke thinks it is the only path and the others are headed in the wrong direction. But from the point of view of the center (God), they are all headed in the right direction. I have read the scriptures of many religions, the Bible, Old and New Testaments; the Qur'an; the Dhammapada of the Buddhists; many of the Upanishads and the Rig Veda of Hinduism; the Tibetan Book of the Dead (another type of Buddhism); the Analects of Confucius and the Tao Te Ching from China; and many other sacred texts from east and west. I find wisdom in all of them. I have had my own mystical experience in which I felt I had touched the face of God as well. I do not think that any person can encapsulate God in a book. I do not think God can be captured in a single building. Don't let others define God for you, my dear. Seek spirituality on your own path, as you may only fall in somebody else's pothole by walking another's path. That's what the Sufis teach and there is a lot of truth in that. I ended up a Christian but I certainly didn't start out that way and I don't think everybody has to be one. God made everybody different for a reason. I really don't think we need to suddenly all start being identical to please him.
13 :
Adam and Eve were told to worship their creator, Allah. Adam was the first prophet Allah gave to this world. Even before Jesus came many prophets came to lead the people in the right direction. Every time people strayed Allah punished them with natural disasters and then sent another prophet to lead the rest. Even Jesus came with the same message as the prophets before him. Allah then sent the last prophet, Muhammad with his revelations in the holy Qur'an to tell the people not to give partners 2 God or son 2 God. God does not beget. p.s. The dead people r not in hell yet but r in waiting for the day of judgement.Their fate will be decided on that day. Watch PEACE T.V. 2 know more.

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