Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why does the Vatican not allow children to live in their country

Why does the Vatican not allow children to live in their country?
Is it because they are afraid of sexual molestation by the priests and it is for their protection? Or what??? The Vatican doesn't allow mosques to build in their grounds either...Why?
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
To live in the Vatican you have to be in the priesthood, or a nun you can't be married as one of those THUS (supposedly) no kids
2 :
they would be constantly molested
3 :
the temptation would drive them further out of their minds.
4 :
A. The Vatican City-State is 167 acres. B. Even if ALL those who lived there were NOT religious, there'd be no room for children. C. If you had responsibility for some of the world's great art treasures, would you let Mother's little darlings, with their grubby, grabby hands, have free run? D. There's no mosque, no Protestant sect's church, no Hindu temple, no Shinto shrine for pretty much the same reason. Ain't no room, folks!!
5 :
Do you realize how small Vatican City is? Just about every square meter is spoken for. There's no place to put a playground or a mosque.
6 :
To live in the Vatican City (Holy See), You must: 1) Be a member of the Catholic Church, 2) Be a Holy or Religious figure. The Vatican is a Theocratic Sovereign State, therefore the only religion allowed within it is Catholicism. It makes sense not to build a Mosque in a Catholic place. And yes, there have been cases of sexual molestation in the Catholic Church, but take a look at this:
7 :
The Vatican is a sovereign nation for one. So it can draw up its laws how it wants. Secondly, it is a Theocracy, not a democracy. Thirdly, it is a unique location, in that it is a nation-city, a single city within the city of Rome created by a treaty with Italy for the sole purpose of being the head quarters of the Catholic church. So it is chartered or created with 1 purpose in mind. Thus it is not like other nations on Earth. It is unique and singular. So the answer is actually quite simple... Children are contrary to its sole reason for existence. Contrary to the laws of that land. To be a resident.. you must be an adult Priest or Nun. PERIOD. Children are allowed to visit..but the citizens have all taken vows of celibacy, therefore children are contrary to this rule. There are Catholic workers in the Vatican, and they may have children of their own.. but these workers do not live in the Vatican, they live in Rome, which surrounds it. Thus they 'commute' to and from work like many adults.
8 :
the area of the vatican is less than a half of a sq. kilometre.

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