Monday, August 25, 2014

Blast from the Past: The Sector

Blast from the Past: The Sector

This post is for B., who was kind enough to send along these carefully preserved issues of The Sector, a fascinating fragment of our shared young adult life. *********** A friend from college is cleaning out in preparation for a move from upstate New York to the southwest, and she came across severa ...

意大利9天BIG5 自由行 - Day2 Vatican

意大利9天BIG5 自由行 - Day2 Vatican 第一站 : Piazza San Pietro (聖彼得廣場) 早餐喺天台食,美式自助餐,幾豐富~~ 食完早餐,9點幾出發. Roma Termini-地鐵A線到Ottaviano站下車(6個站) 10mins 出站再行7mins 出地面就知點行,因為實在太多人向同一個方向行.... 估唔到晏咗少少10點,就咁多人排隊,數數隊尾預估都要排30mins以上.... 因為book咗梵蒂岡博物館12:00,決定廣場影下相, 去完博物館同食lunch之後,先再排隊入敎堂,上屋頂睇全景。 第二站 : Musei Vaticani ( 梵蒂岡博物館 ...


Stori: Shakoor Jongo Jipya! Baada ya kimya cha muda mrefu, imefichuka kwamba kesi ya kuuawa kwa aliyekuwa staa mkubwa wa sinema za Kibongo, marehemu Steven Charles Kanumba ‘The Great’ imechukua sura mpya baada ya kuanza kusikilizwa kimyakimya, Ijumaa Wikienda limenasa kinachoendelea. Staa wa sinema ...

The many and varied purposes of maps

Image: Maps used to explain or not explain the Middle East. Related links to Spatialworlds Geogaction Spatialworlds website GeogSpace Australian Geography Teachers' Association website Geographical thinking Spatial literacy History and geography Spatial Education and techn ...

Requisites: Day Two Hundred Thirty-Six

What I need right now is a to-do list. Not very romantic, but necessary. Get my Vatican reservation Get my Mass Effect T-Shirt for Thursday, Bee for Friday/Saturday, Splicer for Saturday Night/Sunday, something else suitably nerdy and geeky for M0nday Prepare, somehow, my unexpecting and unprepared ...

Full Transcript of Pope’s In-Flight Interview From Korea

Originally at: by ALAN HOLDREN AND ANDREA GAGLIARDUCCI/CNA ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE — Speaking to journalists aboard the Aug. 18 flight to Italy from South Korea, Pope Francis said he supports in ...

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