Monday, August 25, 2014

Will Child-Abusing Former Nuncio Receive Secular Justice in the Vatican? Dominicans Aren’t Holding Their Breath

Will Child-Abusing Former Nuncio Receive Secular Justice in the Vatican? Dominicans Aren’t Holding Their Breath

Since we last wrote about Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski (below), almost a year ago, he’s been through some changes. You may recall that Wesolowski, the papal nuncio (ambassador) to the Dominican Republic, was recalled to Rome after allegations surfaced ...

Royal Commission, Diocese breach case, Ice Bath challenge, Survivorship Webinars

This week there were news articles on Cardinal George Pell comparing priests to truck drivers and the Royal Commission, the KC diocese must pay $1.1 million in breach of contract case, an Ice Bath Challenge to End Sexual Abuse and Survivorship Webinars for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors and ...

August 24: Last Day of Summer Vacation, Classic Saint Marty, New Cartoon

Last day of summer vacation. Tomorrow afternoon, I start teaching again. As a prelude, I stopped by my new office space today to check things out. Made sure my keys worked and all that. My wife and daughter came with me. There were young, dewy-eyed first year college students wandering around, check ...


ΧΡΗΣΙΜΟΠΟΙΟΥΝ ΔΟΛΙΩΣ ΖΟΦΩΔΗ ‘’ΟΡΑΜΑΤΑ’’ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΔΟΛΩΜΑΤΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΑΠΙΚΩΝ ΠΛΑΝΩΝ Του Βασίλη Χαραλάμπους «Αρκείτω δε ημίν προς αρετήν μεγάλην το μηδεμιά όλως πείθεσθαι φαντασία» Άγιος Διάδοχος Φωτικής. Όπως διαβάζαμε στην Vatican insider, τις τελευταίες μέρες, σε προβαλλόμενο κείμενο που τιτλοφορείτα ...

Украинская Православная Церковь МП за единую страну – 23 августа 2014 г.

" Vatican Insider ", Италия - 23/08/2014 Марко Тозатти ( Marco Tosatti ) Оригинал публикации: Ucraina, gli ortodossi chiedono un Paese unito - 20/08/2014 Новоизбранный лидер Украинской православной церкви Московского патриархата, то есть церкви, связанной с Московским патриархатом, сделал важное зая ...


It has been said by several historianz if you want to study the origin of white supremacy, you need to start 6000 yearz ago, where it is said they originated. Many noted scholarz (both Afrikan and european) have published many books and articles on the origin of white folks, Bobby Hemmit, Michael Br ...

Mater Dolorosa

It had been quite some time since she had eaten, the first light of morn, before she saw her husband off at daybreak, before her hot, sipped pomegranate tea would swirl on her tongue and soak through a buttered slice of Russian rye. She would write letters that morning. Letters to her sister in Kiev ...

James White and his criticism of Titus 2:13 in the King James Bible, a post from the Will Kinney KJV website

James White and his criticism of Titus 2:13 in the King James Bible Titus 2:13 – ” Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” James White has a lot to say in his book, The King James Version Controversy, about how badly he thinks the King ...

Returning to Barcelona

Traveling allows you to exercise your creativity and test yourself to see what you can accomplish, if you allow it. You go where you don’t know anyone, don’t speak the language, don’t know the customs or the rules. You get lost. You get frustrated. You lose your patience and just want to go back whe ...

Trinity Blood - Witch Hunt parte IV

La regolarità non è decisamente il mio forte! ^^" Dopo un bel po' di tempo, ecco la quarta e conclusiva parte di Witch Hunt. Siamo esattamente a metà della prima novel, mancano "From the Empire" e "Sword Dancer". Purtroppo ho dedicato poco tempo a questo progetto nell'ultimo periodo e mi scuso in an ...

Tous les chemins mènent à Rome

Ma che ! Peut être qu'il y avait plus simple que de faire un tour du monde pour arriver à Rome. Mais comme le dit l'adage : tous les chemins mènent à Rome. Cette ville fait partie comme Paris, Venise, Istanbul ou Barcelone des villes musées qu'on visite le nez en l'air. Et au niveau culturel, il y a ...

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