Friday, September 19, 2014

Vatican shrugs off warning of Islamic State plot against pope in Albania

Vatican shrugs off warning of Islamic State plot against pope in Albania

Warnings that the Islamic State organisation may be plotting to attack Pope Francis during his visit to mostly-Muslim Albania on Sunday have been shrugged off by the Vatican. Despite warnings from Iraq's ambassador to the Holy See that the 77-year-old ...

Vatican shrugs off warning of terror plot against pope

Warnings that terror group ISIL may be plotting to attack Pope Francis during his visit to mostly-Muslim Albania on Sunday have been shrugged off by the Vatican. Despite warnings from Iraq's ambassador to the Holy See that the 77-year-old could be in ...

Vatican shrugs off warning of IS plot against pope in Albania

VATICAN CITY: Warnings that the Islamic State organisation may be plotting to attack Pope Francis during his visit to mostly-Muslim Albania on Sunday (Sep 21) have been shrugged off by the Vatican. Despite warnings from Iraq's ambassador to the Holy See ...

Fear and loathing in the Vatican

Here is a picture of Cardinal Raymond Burke, whose grand title of Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura is matched only by the magnificence of his ecclesiastical dress. He is famous for his willingness to don the cappa magna, the ...

Vatican Author Discusses His Book, the Family and Archbishop Sheen

VATICAN CITY — “Reflections From Rome: Practical Thoughts on Faith and Family”, by Msgr. Richard Soseman of the Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy, is an everyday guide for Catholics offering brief meditations, essays, and reflections on everyday ...

Vatican Car Used To Smuggle Drugs

Two Italians were arrested on Tuesday after French police found cocaine and cannabis in the Vatican librarian's car. The car belonged to retired 91-year-old Argentine Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia, who is currently bedridden. The cardinal's secretary ...

Vatican Set to Overhaul Communications Offices

The church reforms promised by Pope Francis continue their inexorable march forward, and now the Vatican will begin revamping its public relations operations. In a briefing on September 17, Father Federico Lombardi, head of the Vatican Press office ...

Catholic 'Kid' Joe Biden Backs Nuns in Battle With Vatican

Vice President Joe Biden has thrown his support behind rebellious American nuns who have come under fire from the Vatican over their outspoken activism on social issues such as poverty and healthcare. While visiting the key presidential state of Iowa in a ...

Car With Vatican Plates Carrying Drugs Caught In France

A car with license plates registered to The Vatican was stopped in the French Alps carrying nine pounds of cocaine and 20 ounces of pot, and two Italian men are in jail, Daily Mail is reporting. The car, a Jaguar, is the personal vehicle of Argentinian ...

Vatican not taking extra security measures to protect Pope Francis from ISIS during trip to majority Muslim Albania

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican says it's not taking any extra security measures to protect Pope Francis during his weekend trip to majority Muslim Albania despite reports of Islamic militants returning from the Mideast. Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico ...

Cristina Fernandez and Francis to discuss Argentina's political situation

Argentine president Cristina Fernandez left on Thursday evening for Rome where on Saturday she is scheduled to have lunch with Pope Francis in a meeting that according to Vatican sources has no formal timetable.

Orvieto & Assisi — Rome, Italy

Orvieto & Assisi - Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Wanted to be up early this morning so I set my alarm for 5:45. Bec was worried about me too so she gave me a call - at 1:12!!!!!! I know now why she did that but I still don't understand how it was that the call came through. Investigations continue. S ...

Amid Talk of Islamist Plot Against Him, Francis Prepares to Visit Albania

Originally posted on Catholic4Life: Small Balkan country has been a model of Muslim-Christian coexistence. Concluding his weekly catechesis in St. Peter’s Square today, Pope Francis asked the faithful to accompany him in prayer as he travels to Albania this Sunday, Sept. 21. “I decided to visit this ...

My tweets

Fri, 00:27: Hands-on with the $1000 Vizzywig 4K app — #videos Fri, 01:09: .@ EPA, ocean's not a dump for #fracked up wasterwater, WTH?! @ CenterForBioDiv shared via @ hashtagclimate #climate Fri, 01:10: .@ EPA's kicking ass & taking numbers w/its #CleanP ...

To What End?

“In the face of these immense efforts which already preoccupy the entire human race, people raise numerous questions among themselves: What is the meaning and value of this feverish activity? How should all these things be used? To what goal are the strivings of individuals and societies heading?” F ...

Yay! “Pope” Francis engages in more “fun” with World Jewry.

Source: Vatican Radio. (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday afternoon met with delegation of 40 world Jewish leaders at the Casa Santa Marta. The gathering was in honor of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Among those attending the event were World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder, L ...

How Do You Deliver Health Care Where There Are No Roads? Make Community Health Workers Better | madeleine Ballard

7 Old And Outdated Kitchen Tools You Need To Replace For Your Health Achieving universal health coverage requires universal health delivery — for every person in every village. We can get there by seeking new opportunity in an old idea: community health workers. Using community members to deliver he ...

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