Friday, September 19, 2014

VATICAN - Pope: "Christian identity is a road, it is a journey where you are with the Lord", now and after death, with resurrection

VATICAN - Pope: "Christian identity is a road, it is a journey where you are with the Lord", now and after death, with resurrection

"With the resurrection, we will all be transformed". "This is the future that awaits us, and this is the fact we resist: we resist the transformation of our body. We even resist Christian identity." "We may not have much fear of the voice of the Archangel or the sound of the trumpet," but "we fear o ...

Friday Skull Session

And so begins the first bye-weekend. Please don't get arrested, Buckeyes. This week's NSFW ANTI-WORK #BANGERS: Vengeance 2002: The Undertaker vs The Rock vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship. Bill Burr's Why Do I Do This. Avon Barksdale and Slim Charles talk war and lies. JALIN MARSHALL MAKES THE ...


Pope Francis the 'pontiff of the poor', says Greece's Alexis Tsipras Leftist opposition leader says he and Francis saw eye-to-eye on banks, profits and 'pan-human values' during Vatican talks Helena Smith in Athens The Guardian, Thursday 18 September 2014 19.38 BST Jump to comments ( 16) Syriza lead ...

Pope’s advisers start first draft of document overhauling Vatican

Pope Francis’ international Council of Cardinals has begun creating the first draft of a new apostolic constitution that would implement a major reform of the Vatican bureaucracy. The so-called C9, a papally appointed group of nine cardinal members, held ...

Armenian President on official visit to Vatican

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Thursday was on an official visit to the Holy See (the Vatican). As reported by the presidential press service, in the Vittoriano Museum Complex in Rome, Sargsyan addressed the official opening of a photo exhibition on ...

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