Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Vatican doctrinal chief renews criticism of US sisters

Vatican doctrinal chief renews criticism of US sisters

The Vatican’s guardian of orthodoxy and the force behind Rome’s investigation of American nuns has renewed his criticism of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, downplaying the group’s size and importance and arguing that the Vatican is ...

Americans Participate in Vatican’s ‘Sport Is for Man’ Seminar

The Pontifical Council for Culture’s international seminar entitled “Sport Is for Man” got under way Monday and will run through Wednesday in Vatican City. Participants will discuss what the Church can bring to the realm of sports and what the realm ...

A Catholic Nun Spent Her Life Fighting for LGBT Rights, Even Against Vatican Wishes

The following post is an excerpt from the new book, If Nuns Ruled the World (Open Road, September 2014), which aims to shatter stereotypes about Catholic nuns. This chapter profiles Sister Jeannine Gramick, who has dedicated her life to fighting for the ...

Vatican seeks a 'Pause for Peace' during World Cup final in Brazil

The Vatican is seeking to unite the world in asking for peace in warring countries by observing a moment of silence during the final game of soccer's World Cup. Germany will face Argentine in the 2014 World Cup Final at the do Maracana Stadium in Rio De ...

Görmez blames Vatican for inaction over attacks on Islam

Mehmet Görmez, head of the Religious Affairs Directorate, has said that the prevalence of attacks targeting mosques and Muslim communities has been increasing year by year, and he criticized the Vatican and other religious foundations for remaining ...

The Vatican’s Defrocked Diplomat

Roman Catholics and much of the world have been closely watching for evidence that Pope Francis has the wherewithal to buck the resistance to reform from the Vatican’s powerful bureaucracy. An encouraging sign emerged last week with the announcement that ...

Abolish Vatican statehood

A moral contradiction casts a shadow on Roman Catholicism, and lately the shadow has lengthened. The church straddles two poles at once, and at times they pull in radically opposite directions. First, it is a community of believers seeking to embody the ...

The Great Nunquisition: Why the Vatican Is Cracking Down on Sisters

If you think the news is bad now, a world without nuns would be a far worse place. The nuns that I know are much too humble to tout their achievements and all of the good they contribute to society, but make no mistake, they are an integral part of the ...

Is Pope A Target Of The ISIS? The Vatican Firmly Doesn’t Believe So

Pope Francis is believed to be one of the top terror targets for the ISIS. Following the reports, Italy and the Vatican have beefed up the security of his holiness. However, these threats are being downplayed by the Vatican, and there are some interesting ...

Pope Francis ISIS Threat Denied by Vatican, But Security Tightens

Vatican officials denied this week that Pope Francis is a target of ISIS, but the Italian government is stepping up security across the nation as it continues to collect intelligence on the growing terrorist group. "There is nothing serious to this ...

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