Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Sun Tzu Kremlin

A Sun Tzu Kremlin

Economic World War waged against Russia and the BRICS alliance is based upon miscalculations of the Anglo-Zionist-American group think. Sanctions purported to be instruments in response to escalations of the Ukrainian crisis depicted as opening of new fronts and use of Russian regular forces. Europe ...

Ringer vs ringer

The pope met with the College of Cardinals to discuss a proposal from Shimon Peres, the former leader of Israel. “Your Holiness,” said one of the cardinals, “Mr. Peres wants to determine whether Jews or Catholics are superior by challenging you to a golf match.” The pope was greatly disturbed, as he ...

Le jour des messieurs

Comme promis, le billet consacré aux nus masculins que l'on peut admirer dans les musées romains. (rappel, hier : les nus féminins). Ahhhh.... avouez que c'est nettement plus varié ! Bas-relief avec Triton aux fesses musclées exposé dans la cour du Belvédère au musée du Vatican. Ce très célèbre Gaul ...

Sistine Sardines Can a place ever be too popular? Let’s take the Sistine Chapel. It’s part of the Vatican, which is part of Vatican City. But we’ll get to all that in a moment. I’ve been to the Sistine Chapel when it was packed. It’s likely that if you’ve visited the Vatican... Leggi tutto: http ...

The Martyrs of September

In this modern day we always hear the tired rant of the secularists and atheists of "separation of Church and State" and "when politics and religion mix, people die" and other implications of religion intervening in politics. It is only those people who are truly knowledgeable of history know the re ...

International football news: Schweinsteiger handed Germany armband

International football news: Schweinsteiger handed Germany armband Germany national team has seen their three influential figures ... The 41-year-old will be taking up the job in October and has a contract through the 2016 European Championship. ”I believe he’s the right man for the position,” Loew ...

We are still here!

So ALOT has happened since our last blog. Apologies for being so delinquent. Since our move we went to Rome for a week. Torsten had a week long training so Amelia & I were tourists for a week. We saw St. Peters Basilica, The Colosseum, Pantheon, Vatican, Catacombs to name a few. We didn’t go into an ...

Star-Lips: The Clock & The Compass

Painting by Abdul Mati Klarwein On March 16 th 1362 a star spun so fast everything in its sky rose and set a hundred times a second. A pulsar likewise rotated so frantically that its surrounding stars appeared not as dots but circular lines. A black body let prowl forth its light, a nebula coalesced ...

In a little Island called..Victoria :)

In a little Island called..Victoria :) Victoria is so pretttyyy :) So in love with this place!! Small as it is, there’s so much beauty in the nature and people here more info.. . >< div> Euro Trip 2014 « USA · The Netherlands · Germany · Belgium · France · Italy · Vatican City · Spain Euro Trip 2014 ...

Impiden misa por migrantes en México, la reacción del Vaticano

Vatican Insider, 08/28/2014 Impiden misa por migrantes en México, la reacción del Vaticano El presidente del Pontificio Consejo de la Pastoral para los Migrantes e Itinerantes expresa el aval de la Santa Sede al obispo mexicano de Tabasco, al cual impidieron realizar una misa en la frontera sur del ...

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