Wednesday, November 14, 2012

world geography! help! answer these questions please

world geography! help! answer these questions please!?
what type of geographical feature is galveston what is another name for holland define western dress which states make up the four corners what is the continental divide where is it located t or f:english is the official language of the united states t or f:throughout the world english is viewed as the language of business ans education t or f:10 million people live in houston t or f:malaria kills more people worldwide per year than aids t or f:3major monotheistic religions exist today t or f:worldwide haves outnumber have nots what r haves and have nots t or f:bosni is located in africa where r the los angeles lakers from originally where r the utah jazz from originally y r chicken wings called buffalo wings t or f:the equator is 2latitude what the prime meridian is 2longitude suez, erie, &panama r names of which country was once known as persia which country was once known as prussia which country was once known as gaul where is the vatican located nato?nafta? questions continued: t or f: most of the water on earth is saltwater y is the dead sea called the dead sea? t or f: the nile river is the longest river in the world t or f: the sahara desert is located in africa what causes the red sea to appear red? what cause the yellow sea to appear yellow? which state is: the beehive state? the bluegrass state? the last frontier state? the golden state? which state license plates say "the land of lincoln"? which state is the: mt. rushmore state? empire state? the show me state? this is not cheating! i was told to use my resources and the internet! and i only asked half of the questions! the rest i did on my own
Homework Help - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : would be best if you do your own research instead of cheating!
2 :
3 :
Geography. Kevin, Liverpool, England.
4 :
Each one of the questions is easily researchable. We are here to help with home work not DO homework. Don't be so lazy. Although this is not in the rules, this is really abuse.
5 :
I'm not sure but I always told my son to do his own homework. So I'll tell you the same.if thats what your doing.
6 :
okay sug, that is a lot of answers,, most of them can be found using,, and put in the search box the same thing as your questions,, for example put in the box: what type of geographical feature is galveston,, then hit ask and you will have an aswer, best of luck
7 :
If this is homework then you should do it yourself. Especially since some of those questions are really easy and you should know them. If you need help try google or a history site.
8 :
Do your own homework, you ninny.
9 :
Do your own homework... these are easy questions because they are things that you should know anyway!

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