Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Test you're knowledge of God

Test you're knowledge of God?
1._____ To be authentic today’s church must live up to its earliest foundations. 2._____ Jesus always intended to start a new religion. 3._____ Jesus condemned oppression and injustice, among other things. 4._____ According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is already here completely. 5._____ The church began and grew based on a resurrection faith. 6._____ Then word “church” appears only twice on the gospels; both times in Matthew. 7._____ Paul never established any of the churches he wrote to. 8._____ The church from its very beginning never had any divisions or problems. 9._____ The early churches were house churches. 10.____ Charlemagne is known as one of the churches many reformers. 11.____ The Reformation had no lasting effect on the church. 12.____ The church always embraced developments in the areas of science. 13.____ 1943 was the year of “birth” for Catholic scripture scholars. 14.____ The general purpose of Vatican Council II was to rehash old topics. 15.____ Bellarmine’s idea of the church as a “perfect society” meant that the church didn’t need any other societies to exist. 16.____ According to Vatican II, the term “people of God” meant all people. 17.____ Oscar Romero and Thomas Becket had much in common. 18.____ There are four marks, or characteristics” of the church. 19.____ The distinction of eastern and western church is merely geographical. 20.____ I am a person of God.
Religion & Spirituality - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They alone know how to believe in God who love God, who are Christians not only in name but also in action and [way of] life, because without love faith is empty. With love, it is the faith of a Christian -- without love, the faith of a demon. (The Venerable Bede) "And now, finally, after all that we have said, there remain these three that bind and secure the union of all: faith, hope, love; and the greatest of these is love, for God Himself is so called." (I Corinthians, I John )
2 :
1. There is no god **repeat same answer for questions 2 - 20.
3 :
1.) A, 2.) C, 3.) D, 4.) C, 5.) A, 6.) D, 7.) B, 8.) A , 9.) B, 10.)C, 11.) B, 12.) D, 13.) D, 14.) A, 15.) C, 16.) D, 17.) B, 18.) C, 19.) B, 20.) C.
4 :
Test YOUR knowledge of grammar!
5 :
First, test "your" knowledge of the english language.
6 :
Test your knowledge of English: "You're" means _________ "Your" means __________
7 :
Are you trying to get us to do your catechism homework for you?? (Eyeing question suspiciously...)
8 :
1. There are not many churches today that follow all the teachings of Jesus. 2.God is not a religion. 3. Jesus condemned "people" who oppressed and commited injustices. 4. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you. 5. True 6.False 7.True 8.The church from it earliest days has always had divisions and problems. 9.True 10.Don't know 11.False 12.Science has no part in the church. 13. not Catholic 14.not Catholic 15.I don't know about Bellarmine but the church will stand with or without other societies. 16.I doubt it. Probably meant only the ones who served Him in the Catholic church. 17.sounds like movie characters. 18.probably are just 4 today. 19.There are distinctions in every church. 20.Are you a child of God?
9 :
There was'nt any religion,as such before Jesus Christ, and there was'nt any Church,as such before Jesus Christ. Before Jesus Christ, people did not know right from wrong, they did as they saw fit. The Moses laws were put in place, to let the people know when they did wrong, and sined. The priest would do a sin offering to atone for the sins of the people, and place them on a scape goat. Jesus Christ was send, to atone for our sin, and be the scape goat. He paid our price, so we could be saved alive. Religion was started(worshiping of God) Jesus Christ started the true and only Church (the called out ones) The people called by God the Father of Jesus Christ. The Church is the ones called by God, to do His work, these are the people that form the true religion. There are no divisions, just the people, living their lives as Jesus lived His, and doing the work of God. These people were called christians (followers of Jesus Christ). Where ever you go and find the true church, they will all be the same, obeying God's true sabbeth, and God's commandments, preaching God's true Gospel, of His Kingdom. I think you need to pray, and ask God for the understanding of the Bible, because you really dont have it. You know, the bible can answer all your question, on any thing, you just have to believe, and pray,for His gift of the spirit. God's people, are those who believe in His, and repent of their sins, and except Him, believing He send Jesus Christ, to die for us. The Vatican is not Goid's people, They call them selives giving you absolution from your sins, not so, only God, by his grace can give you absolution for sin.

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