Sunday, September 7, 2014

Vatican Cardinal Mueller claims he is not a misogynist, but the excommunication of women priests is proof that he is!

Vatican Cardinal Mueller claims he is not a misogynist, but the excommunication of women priests is proof that he is! If Cardinal Mueller wants to turn away from the Vatican's misogyny, (he recently stated that "we don't want to gobble up a woman a day!" he could begin by lifting the excommunication against women priest and open a dialogue empower ...

Культура позитивизма

Культура позитивизма… В ноябре 1914 года Папа Бенедикт XV воззвал к морали и миру в энциклике Ad Beatissimi. Сто лет тому назад Бенедикт XV писал о всеобщем падения нравов, о «недостатке любви к ближнему», о материальных благах, «ставших единственной целью человеческой деятельности», о межнациональн ...

Francis: We are all Church, not just the bishops and the Pope - Vatican Insider

Francis: We are all Church, not just the bishops and the Pope - Vatican Insider

The love of the Father

Pope Francis (Photo credit: Zenit) The gesture of Pope Francis towards the Iraqi priest ministering to thousands of persecuted Christians who had taken refuge in Ankawa brought tears to my eyes when I read about it. I thought it was so fatherly, the action speaking more profoundly than any words can ...

Looking at TREC's proposal from the other side of schism

You know, I really did want to support TREC. After all, I live in a diocese that has been flying the airplane while we are building it in the wake of a 2008 schism when our former bishop and much of the diocesan leadership left The Episcopal Church but claimed –and occupied – most of our church prop ...

Pope Francis Leads Long Mass After Health Concerns – Cbs News

Ending the cycle of poverty and poor health The Vatican said he had suffered an “unexpected indisposition,” but there were no concerns for his health. Francis has only one full lung, has a bad back and was down with an intestinal problem earlier this month. Francis, often laughing or smiling, chatte ...

Sionism, masonerie, ecumenism – Fragmente din scrisoarea Mitropoliților Pireului și Konitsei către Papă, prin care îl cheamă pe acesta din urmă la pocăință și la lepădarea de ereziile Papismului. IPS ...

Sionism, masonerie, ecumenism Fragmente din scrisoarea Mitropoliților Pireului și Konitsei către Papă, prin care îl cheamă pe acesta din urmă la pocăință și la lepădarea de ereziile Papismului IPS Serafim de Pireu: Sursa ecumenismului este masoneria, după cum sursa masoneriei este sionismul Sursa și ...

Information reports

Hello Everyone, We have been learning how to write information reports in 2H over the past two weeks. We have been very lucky to acquire some small touch screen lap tops in our classroom and we are putting them to good use. We have been using the children's search engine, Kid Rex to research our top ...

Reclaiming Traditional Clerical Dress

PATRIARCHAL SEE 6 September 2014 (ORCNS) - Upon committee recommendation, the Patriarchal See modified the standards of dress of clergy under its jurisdiction to be more in line with ancient traditional usage. To understand these changes and their historical context, it is a good idea to take a tour ...

CELEBRATE SABBATH – Twenty Third Sunday of the Year

Ezekiel 33: 7-9 Watchman on the city walls or out on the hills formed part of the defense system in biblical times. They had to sound a warning when undesired foreigners or strangers were spotted. Ezekiel sees the prophet as such a watchman in charge of the well-being of the community. He must fulfi ...

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