Thursday, September 18, 2014

Vatican Car Used To Smuggle Drugs

Vatican Car Used To Smuggle Drugs

If you think driving a car with diplomatic plates will protect you, think again. Two Italians were arrested on Tuesday after French police found cocaine and cannabis in the Vatican librarian's car. The car belonged to the retired 91-year-old Argentine ...

Iraqi Christians suffering like Jews did, pope tells Jewish leader

Francis also repeated his recent warning that the global rash of religious extremism may have sparked "a third world war", said Lauder, who met with the Roman Catholic leader late Wednesday at the Vatican. Lauder, a prominent philanthropist and defender of ...

Vatican Commission for Protection of Minors Sets Oct. 4-5 Meeting

VATICAN CITY — As Pope Francis’ council of cardinals for Curia reform gather this week in Rome, the newly-created Pontifical Commission for Protection for minors will soon meet to finish creating its statutes. Father Federico Lombardi, director of the ...

Report: Pope invites China’s president to Vatican

Pope Francis has invited President Xi Jinping of China to the Vatican to discuss world peace, according to an America magazine report. According to the report, Ricardo Romano, the leader of an Argentine political party, told an Argentine news site that ...

Le Vatican, Etat-voyou?

Deux automobilistes italiens, âgés de 30 et [...]

Non-Fiction: "The Books of Dr Dee" by William Younger Fletcher

Dr. John Dee, 'that perfect astronomer, curious astrologer and serious geometrician,' as he is styled by Lilly, was born in London on the 13th of July 1527. He was the son of Rowland Dee, who, according to Wood, was a wealthy vintner, but who is described by Strype as Gentleman Sewer to Henry VIII. ...

VATICAN - Pope: those who acknowledge their sins "open their hearts in the confession of sins, to encounter with Jesus"

"Jesus says this word - 'You are saved, you have been saved- only to those who open their hearts and acknowledge that they are sinners. Salvation only comes hearts that are open to the truth of our sins".

"A Manifesto against Manifestos"

by Phil Johnson From 2006 to 2012, Pyro Maniacs turned out almost-daily updates from the Post-Evangelical wasteland -- usually to the fear and loathing of more-polite and more-irenic bloggers and readers. The results lurk in the archives of this blog in spite of the hope of many that Google will "ac ...

Lk 10, 29-37 + CSDC and CV

Luke 10, 29-37 + CSDC and CV CV 37b. Space also needs to be created within the market for economic activity carried out by subjects who freely choose to act according to principles other than those of pure profit, without sacrificing the production of economic value in the process. The many economic ...

Ve convert Vatican to a BARN for PIGS and COWS

gold one

gold one by lseed87 featuring a skull wallpaperFiled under: cool stuff Tagged: christmas, Diane von Furstenberg, Diba, fashion, gold, Jennifer Meyer Jewelry, Mango, Michael Aram, polyvore, Rebecca Minkoff, style, The Vatican Library Collection, winter

gold one

gold one by lseed87 featuring a skull wallpaperFiled under: cool stuff Tagged: christmas, Diane von Furstenberg, Diba, fashion, gold, Jennifer Meyer Jewelry, Mango, Michael Aram, polyvore, Rebecca Minkoff, style, The Vatican Library Collection, winter

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