Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vatican car seized with cocaine, cannabis

Vatican car seized with cocaine, cannabis

The Vatican has been left red-faced after it emerged that a car bearing its diplomatic plates had been stopped in France with four kilograms of cocaine on board. The car - which also contained 200g of cannabis - belonged to 91-year-old Argentinian cardinal ...

Pope Francis May Face ISIS Threat On Albania Trip: Iraq Ambassador To Vatican

Pope Francis may be at risk of an assassination attempt by Islamic State militants during his visit to Albania this weekend, according to Iraq's ambassador to the Holy See. Habeeb Al Sadr, Iraq's ambassador to the Vatican, told Italian newspaper La Nazione ...

Former St. Anthony parishioners petition Vatican to reopen church building

Parishioners from the former St. Anthony Parish in Monongahela have filed a formal petition with the Vatican seeking to reopen the church building, which the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh closed in April. "A large number of parishioners have ...

Cảnh báo IS âm mưu ám sát Giáo hoàng

TP - Vatican vừa nhận được cảnh báo Giáo hoàng Francis có nguy cơ bị phiến quân Nhà nước Hồi giáo (IS) ám sát trong chuyến thăm cuối tuần này tới một quốc gia có phần đông dân số theo đạo Hồi.

Invigilation vs Historical Data vs Modern Poland

In Poland, for years, a total blockade has been maintained including life threats, economic exploitation, psychological tortures. This a reaction with regard to an Open Letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council, published globally. Psychologic al tortures, economic pressure, blocking any ini ...

Opus-Dei-Bischof Don Alvaro Del Portillo wird selig gesprochen

Vatican Insider/La Stampa berichtet über die bevorstehende Seligsprechung Don Alvaros klicken "Die Seligsprechung Del Portillos wird ein großes Volksfest werden." Kardinal Amato leitet am 27.9. die Zeremonie für den Nachfolger des Hl. Escriva Sie werden aus 80 Ländern der Welt nach Madrid kommen, um ...

For Confirmation 1 (gr9) Families: Session 1

I truly love fall when we get to start another year of Evangelization & Catholic Education! I love having the opportunity to get to know my students even more and getting to share with them the good news of Jesus Christ! This year was no exception as we began Confirmation 1 with a great session on S ...

A journey to Terracina on the Riviera of Ulysses

Following my visit to Minturnae (see previous post here), I continued my journey north along the Appian Way to reach Terracina, a picturesque town on the Tyrrhenian coast situated approximately half-way between Rome and Naples. Legend has it that Odysseus sailed here on his travels and surrendered t ...

The Future Of America: iPhone 6

Apple's iPhone 6 leading to the Mark of the Beast System. Following the announcement of the new Apple's iPhone 6, the internet exploded with (Mark of the Beast warnings). iPhone 6 (Apple Pay) Fingerprint System Stokes (Mark of the Beast fears). World Prophecy News With a wave of his hand, Ben Slater ...

Can you keep up with this pace yet?

I start this post with the question can you keep up with this pace yet? A lough this question is directed towards you, it's primarily a question for myself. So far we are on day 18 of 90 and have seen (including our layover) 9 cities (on our way to the 10th), and 4 countries (on our way to our 5th t ...

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