Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Sermonette: And Jesus Spake Unto Them, Saying, Take My Wife, Please

Sunday Sermonette: And Jesus Spake Unto Them, Saying, Take My Wife, Please

A couple years ago, a Harvard professor identified a fourth century papyrus that contains an explicit reference to Jesus being married. And the press went wild. It's just link bait to anyone outside the ivy'd groves of Academe. But it is illustrative. Imagine a future scholarly monk, digging in the ...

VATICAN - Pope: Celebrate the Holy Cross, and think of our brothers and sisters, persecuted and killed

At the Angelus Pope Francis recalls the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: "We do not exalt just any cross, but the Cross of Jesus," where " God’s love for humanity was revealed most". The cross is not a sign of "magic": "Belief in the Cross of Jesus means following Jesus on his path”. An ap ...

VATICAN - Pope: Christ’s love sustains married couples' love and renews it when, humanly speaking, it becomes lost

Pope Francis celebrates Mass during which 20 couples are united in marriage. Some of them have lived together for some time and have children. Families are the “bricks” for the building up of society". The merciful love that flows from the Cross heals "those who succumb to the dangerous temptation o ...

Day 60 - Rome - Vatican City — Rome, Italy

Day 60 - Rome - Vatican City - Rome, Italy Rome, Italy There was only one thing on the agenda today and that was to go to Vatican City. The girl the I met in Naples whose from Brisbane, Naomi, had booked us tickets for the museum bit so we wouldn't that've to line up but we decided to go early so we ...

The World Rocks in Borobudur and Angkor Wat

No travel book to read about, no articles, no pressures and this are my first solo flights in Asia that all my worries are out of sight. Doing nothing and simply sitting anywhere. I’ve pulled out my city road map that i scrounged from the airport counter to begin my weekend fitted air. Sucked it up ...

Guerra y paz: palabras fuertes de Papa Francisco en un cementerio militar.

Originalmente publicado en Loiola XXI: En su visita al cementerio militar de Redipuglia, en el centenario de la primera guerra mundial, el Papa Francisco ha pronunciado un fuerte discurso condenando la guerra como una locura. Vatican Insider ha seleccionado unas palabras que reproducimos a continuac ...

40 'I'do's' at Vatican as Pope marries 20 couples

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Forty "I do's" - or "Si" in Italian - were pronounced in St. Peter's Basilica Sunday as Pope Francis married 20 couples, with one bride already a mother. Francis in his homily likened families to the "bricks that build society.

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