Saturday, September 20, 2014

My tweets

My tweets

Fri, 21:46: RT @ TheLiB: Best thing on the internet today. 4kg of cocaine & 200g of cannabis found in Vatican Librarian's car (it wasn't his). http://t.… Sat, 04:25: I have often repented of speech but hardly ever of silence. —C.S. Lewis

Rome is losing the faith

The Termite Nations have dispensed with God and His Commandments in their quest for unbridled hedonism. We are being prepared for the Reign of Antichrist. The Rev. P. Huchede, in his work entitled "History of Antichrist," explains the religious preparation, both intellectual and moral, for the Reign ...

Măsuri de securitate la VATICAN. Papa, vizat de un atentat terorist

Autoritățile de la Vatican au întărit securitatea din zona Pieței San Pietro, având în vedere informații care specifică riscul unui atentat împotriva Papei Francisc, scrie Il Messaggero.

Pope creates Vatican commission to study marriage process

Joshua J. McElwee NCR Today Rome Pope Francis has created a new Vatican commission to study a reform of the Catholic church's processes and laws surrounding the sacrament of marriage, appointing a wide range of male cardinals, bishops and theologians to the new group, the Vatican announced Saturday.

Sécurité renforcée place Saint-Pierre par crainte d'une attaque

Lu ici : " La sécurité a été renforcée place Saint-Pierre, après l'interception par des services de renseignement étrangers d'un message menaçant évoquant une possible attaque au Vatican, selon un journal italien samedi. Un service de renseignement étranger a alerté cette semaine l'Italie en lui ind ...

Vatican confirms: Cupich new Chicago archbishop

Joshua J. McElwee NCR Today Rome The Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane, Wash., as the new archbishop of Chicago, confirming Friday's early reports of the appointment.

Anglican team eases to victory against Vatican XI

The long-awaited cricketing showdown between the Church of England and the Vatican has ended in a comfortable victory for the Anglican team. The Anglican XI scored 108 for 4, winning with 5 balls to spare. St Peter’s XI had earned 106 for 4 from their 20 ...

New Vatican panel aims to ensure marriages are forever, while simplifying annulment process

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has created a commission to study how to safeguard what the church calls the everlasting bonds of marriage while streamlining annulment procedures. Vatican teaching, while forbidding divorce, allows Catholics to have marriages ...

Anglicans Narrowly Beat Vatican in Historic Cricket Match

History was made at Canterbury, England, last night when the Vatican’s newly formed cricket team played its first ever match against the Church of England. The Vatican narrowly lost the 150 minute game in a nail-biting finish: the Vatican scored 106 runs ...

Vatican Security Tightened Over Threat Of Attack On Pope

AFP/File Andreas SolaroPope Francis arrives for his weekly general audience in St Peter's square at the Vatican on September 3, 2014 Rome (AFP) - Security has been tightened in Saint Peter's Square after intelligence services intercepted a possible plan to ...

Vatican names Spokane bishop to succeed Cardinal George

Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane, Wash. has been appointed to succeed Cardinal Francis George. A bishop from Washington will succeed Cardinal Francis George as leader of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Vatican on Saturday appointed Bishop Blase Cupich of ...

Security upped at Vatican over attack fears

Rome (AFP) - Security has been tightened in Saint Peter's Square after intelligence services intercepted a possible plan to attack the Vatican, Italian media reported Saturday, increasing fears Pope Francis could be in danger. A foreign security service ...

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