Saturday, September 6, 2014

Autonomy CFO Said Sales Maybe Chased ‘Imaginary Deals’

Autonomy CFO Said Sales Maybe Chased ‘Imaginary Deals’

One contract cited in the documents filed in federal court in San Francisco as proof of Autonomy’s “fraud” was with software reseller MicroTechnologies LLC and the Vatican Library. The 2010 deal for MicroTech to provide Autonomy software to the ...

Vatican Doctrinal Chief Criticizes U.S. Nuns

The Vatican’s top official for doctrine, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, this week renewed criticism of the largest umbrella group of American nuns. In 2012, the Vatican called for significant changes at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, LCWR ...

Shimon Peres floats idea of U.N.-style “United Religions” with Pope Francis

Peres, 91, who was president of the Jewish state until July and is one of the Middle East’s most prominent elder statesmen, spoke to the pope for about 45 minutes on Thursday in his residence, the Vatican said. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi ...

A history of corruption in the Vatican Bank

Perhaps more than any other, the Vatican Bank should be expected to maintain the highest of moral standards in the way it conducts its business. However, despite its saintly links, the bank that acts on behalf of the Catholic Church has developed a ...

Analyst: Vatican regards Islamic State as waging a 'war of religion'

Vatican City, Sep 4, 2014 / 04:08 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- According to prominent Vatican analyst Sandro Magister, the Holy See views the aggression of the Islamic State as a religious war, and believes that international action taken so far is inadequate.

Vatican Insider Speculates on Cardinal George's Successor

The Chicago area's more than 2.3 million Catholics aren't the only ones wondering who will succeed Cardinal Francis George. The Italian newspaper La Stampa on Thursday also speculated whether it might be a surprising choice. The article by the Vatican ...

Israel's Shimon Peres proposes new peace initiative "UN of Religions" to pope at Vatican visit

VATICAN CITY – Retired Israeli President Shimon Peres has proposed a new global peace initiative to Pope Francis: A "United Nations of Religions," given that most wars today have religious, not nationalistic, undercurrents. The Vatican said Peres pitched ...

Vatican’s doctrinal chief renews criticism of US nuns, says he’s no misogynist

(RNS) The Vatican’s guardian of orthodoxy and the force behind Rome’s investigation of American nuns has renewed his criticism of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, downplaying the group’s size and importance and arguing that the Vatican ...

The Vatican’s Defrocked Diplomat

Roman Catholics and much of the world have been closely watching for evidence that Pope Francis has the wherewithal to buck the resistance to reform from the Vatican’s powerful bureaucracy. An encouraging sign emerged last week with the announcement that ...

Contemplate Jesus Christ crucified

This is my first post for the month of September! For what it's worth, I intended differently. I am beginning to really see and feel the benefit of less is more when it comes to blogging. I don't mind divulging that I currently find life a bit exhausting. In one his often amazing daily homilies, whi ...

The World of the Castrati: Patrick Barbier

The History of an Extraordinary Operatic Phenomenon (published by Souvenir Press, £12.99, or from Amazon) ««« ½ The audiences of the baroque era enjoyed illusion: nothing, from their point of view, could detract from the physical pleasure procured by a few moments of enchantment. I should really hav ...

Sisters 2.0

by Kristin Matthes I turned 49 last month, which means I am in my fiftieth year. When four of us started Giving Voice in a Cincinnati basement in 1998, I was not yet 33. Our original tag line (seen on an old sweatshirt of mine) was ‘A Newsletter by Women Religious Under 50.’ Fifty seemed like a life ...

Erdoğan’s way of dealing with Halki Seminary and Athens raises new questions

Abdullah Bozkurt of Today’s Zaman here explains the ‘reciprocity’ policy of President Erdoğan, who he argues uses the mosque issue in Athens as a pretext to raise his appeal at his electorate levels. Here is his column: The way Turkey’s chief political Islamist and new president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğa ...

Art, Movies, Songs … whatever

I can shed tears when drinking in the beauty of a work of art … Source : One of the attractions at the World’s Fair in New York in 1964 was Michelangelo’s Pietà and Ed Sullivan highlighted this extraordinary sculpture on his Sunday night show. I was captivated by the beauty that Mich ...

Personal histories of a (not so) Cold War

Review ‘What Did You Do in the Cold War, Daddy?’ Edited by Ann Curthoys and Joy Damousi New South, 297pp, $34.99 THE Cold War dominated geopolitics in the years after World War II and, in the light of current events in Ukraine, some commentators think a new version of it is emerging. But as Vladimir ...

A Grand Tour of The Vatican

This past Friday, I visited one of the places Rome is known for, actually that Italy is known for: Vatican City! It was literally one of the most beautiful, amazing places I have been to in Rome yet. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by beautiful artwork. I saw so many famous sculptures and painti ...

Respect for Life at Right to Life Rally 2013

Rally for Respect for Life 3013 Respect for Life Encouraging unity among those who identify as anti-abortion and pro-choice at the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade, January 20, 2013 Right to Life Oregon’s “Memorial Rally and Walk for Life” begins to fill Pioneer Courthouse Square as the Praise Band f ...


I THINK I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED. israelis forced to leave a viable working area called gaza producing farm products along with other items. arabs took over israeli homes arabs destroyed the area making it a terrorist training ground destroyed the green houses making rocket launchers…sending rockets ...

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