Thursday, August 28, 2014

When in Rome …

When in Rome …

Italy, I must come back. We think the same …. You sleep in, you make the best coffee, you serve wine with lunch. You laugh ….. Your sense of family and spontaneous emotions, your worry less pace of life is priceless !!! You are so very laid back yet when you drive you are CRAZY !!!! You are artistic ...

A New Direction in Church Design – Crisis Magazine

A New Direction in Church Design – Crisis Magazine. A New Direction in Church Design Michael Tamara One day fifteen years ago, I happened to be channel surfing past the Eternal Word Television Network when I was greeted by a momentary flash of heavenly beauty across the screen. Quickly flipping back ...

Fiche Artiste : Jedi Mind Tricks [USA] [Partie I - Les Références]

Localisation : Philadelphie, Pensylvanie Je me suis replongé dans l'écoute de groupe occulte-hardcore-anti-conspiration-muslman-philadelphien-underground...Mais je ne me penchai pas vraiment sur les textes, pour moi c'était de l'égo trip et du hardcore a l'état pur. Sauf qu'en regardant bien et en t ...

"Acting On a Deep Call to a Different Ministry" by Dawn Cherie Araujo, National Catholic Reporter/ Nuns and Priestly Ministry

Acting on a deep call to a different ministry ARCWP Ordination in Louisville, KY. It's impossible to know exactly how many women entered religious life with an unrequited or latent desire for priestly ministry. But if the current number of Womenpriests who used to be sisters is any indication, it wa ...

Former Vatican Ambassador Accused Of Child Sexual Abuse

The Vatican’s envoy to the Dominican Republic, Jozef Wesolowski, is pictured on August 12, 2011, in Santo Domingo. (Erika Santelices/AFP/Getty Images) The Vatican says its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Jozef Wesolowski, has lost his diplomatic immunity, and could face criminal charges ...

Cidade do Vaticano

A Igreja é una e santa – o Papa na audiência geral alertou para o pecado 2014-08-27 Rádio Vaticana A Igreja é una e santa – foi este o tema da catequese do Papa Francisco na audiência geral desta quarta-feira dia 27 de agosto: “É una porque tem a sua origem em Deus Trindade, mistério de unidade e co ...

Solbit says, “When in Rome, Take My Picture, Please!”

*New reader? Get oriented below. Dear Nicalai, Well, I’m so mad that I could spit! If only plastic Jurassics had spit. We don’t. Nona and Papa took me to Rome. Guess what? Not one picture of me in Rome! Not one! I’ll probably never get to Rome again. (Rome is a big city in a country called Italy.) N ...

My tweets

Tue, 12:07: Interview: Coming Out of the Gay Lifestyle | Tue, 12:07: Interview: Coming Out of the Gay Lifestyle | Tue, 12:07: Interview: Coming Out of the Gay Lifestyle | ...

Is Survival The Plan?

More blogging lament, this time across the Atlantic from me. The title was intriguing enough: “If the Catholic blogosphere is to survive then our bloggers must become more Catholic.” I wasn’t quite sure how to take that at first. A misspelling of small-c catholic? Or more virtuous in a Catholic sort ...

Cidade do Vaticano (RV)

Papa: Fofoca é pecado! 2014-08-27 Rádio Vaticana Cidade do Vaticano (RV) – A audiência geral do Papa com os fiéis se realizou esta quarta-feira, 27, na Praça São Pedro, ao ar livre, sob um sol de verão e temperatura amena. Participaram do encontro, como sempre, grupos de vários países. Do Brasil, as ...

Former Vatican Ambassador Accused Of Child Sexual Abuse

The Vatican says its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Jozef Wesolowski, has lost his diplomatic immunity, and could face criminal charges outside the Holy See on allegations that he sexually abused young boys. The former archbishop, who was ...

Dominican court opens case on ex-Vatican official

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — A court in the Dominican Republic has taken the first steps toward possible sexual abuse charges against a former Vatican ambassador to the Caribbean country. An investigative magistrate is examining allegations ...

Dom Rep court mulls sex abuse charges against former Vatican official

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — A court in the Dominican Republic is taking the first steps toward possible sexual abuse charges against a former Vatican ambassador to the Caribbean country. An investigative magistrate is examining allegations ...

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