Saturday, August 23, 2014

THE CHANAANITE WOMAN and the daughter vexed by an evil spirit.

THE CHANAANITE WOMAN and the daughter vexed by an evil spirit.

1. FIGURE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH We have been painting the image of the Catholic Church; first, basing it on the dogmatic teachings of the Catechism, specifically on the writings of St. Augustine and St. Robert Bellarmine on whose writings 'Lumen Gentium' was based on. Secondly, on the writings of S ...

Pizzeria Gabbiano

There's pizza in Italy and then there's pizza in Italy. The best pizza that you've ever eaten is there and, sadly, some of the worst that you'll ever eat is there. There are individuals that have dedicated their lives towards making the prefect pizza and there are some unscrupulous Italians that don ...

Pope Francis Calls for End to “Brutal Suffering of Christians and Other Religious Minorities” In Letter to Iraqi President

Pope Francis wrote to the president of Iraq, calling for an end to the “brutal suffering of Christians and other religious minorities” and urging political leaders to end the humanitarian crisis in the country. Francis said in his letter to Iraqi President Fouad Massoum: “I appeal to you with my hea ...

Faites-moi un peu d'air, je vous prie

Bon, la météo actuelle n'appelle guère à s'éventer. On serait même plutôt tenté de se donner du souffleur thermique. L'arrière-saison est déjà bien marquée en cette fin du mois d'août. De ce fait, les petits vendeurs d'éventaux vont devoir s'avancer sur les marrons chauds. Qu'à cela ne tienne et ne ...

Cherub Holy Water Font at St. Peter's Basilica

The sculpture of Cherub Angels holding the Holy Water Font at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, ROME. This is one of a pair of beautiful marble fonts for holding holy water and used in baptisms. It is found at the beginning of the central nave. The basin is carved out of amber colored marble and c ...

Le Chœur de la Chapelle Sixtine à Hong Kong, Macao et Taïpei fin septembre

Nouveau signe d’un certain réchauffement entre le Vatican et Pékin, la venue de la « chorale du pape » en territoire chinois (Hong Kong et Macao) est une première historique qui a dû recevoir le « feu vert » de Pékin pour s’y produire

Varia — August 22, 2014

1. The Cult of Moloch is shifting its approach, shunning the "pro-choice" rhetoric and openly becoming pro-abortion: 2. Devil-worshippers surrender the Blessed Sacrament to the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City: http://blo ...

ALL so-called 'biblical' translations Are Biased and Perverted!

The Messiah testified, "The Words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life"....... (John 6:63) So it is that the "natural man can not comprehend that which is of The Spirit of GOD for such needs be Spiritually discerned"....... (I Corinthians 2:14) And Spiritual discernment reveals that e ...

Muslim Groups & Leaders Condemn ISIL

Grand Mufti, Saudi’s Top Islamic Leader: Islamic State And Al-Qaeda Are ‘Enemy Number One Of Islam’ 08/19/2014 RIYADH, Aug 19 (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheik Abdulaziz Al al-Sheik, the highest religious authority in the country, said on Tuesday the militant groups Islamic State and al Q ...

US Christian leaders must compel president to act on genocide in Iraq

Where are America’s moral clarity and outrage? Where is the shock and awe that will compel President Barack Obama to react to the Christian genocide in Iraq? U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., understands how desperate this situation is. He spoke three times on the floor of the U.S. House of Representativ ...

Vatican Should Promote Catholic Gun Rights ~ Video

Titusville, FL - “Officials of the Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) should promote the individual right of Catholics and others to keep and bear arms,” gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today. “Militant ...

Sex abuse survivors angered by powerful Vatican cardinal’s testimony

VATICAN CITY (RNS) One of the most powerful men in the Vatican, charged with cleaning up corruption and fostering financial reform, has outraged survivors of sex abuse by clergy by likening the church to a trucking company that refuses to take ...

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