Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Could this company quadruple this week?

Could this company quadruple this week?

August 25, 2014 Find out why this company is soaring this week YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS | CONTACT US | UNSUBSCRIBE | MANAGE MY PREFERENCES COPYRIGHT SelectedOTC, INC (8a55f347b2555b5939faf26cc1a8c73dec15e7fd2f7d1702a92dda535e1c7ddb64436d) Customer Service Department, 410 South 11th Street Emmaus, PA 1809 ...

Roma, Days 1, 2 and 3

Our trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast was the first long vacation we’ve taken a) in a while and b) since we moved here to London. And it was fantastic! We flew Ryan Air from London Stansted to Rome. I’m pretty sure, unless we have no other choice or we want to make it a super cheap trip, we won’t be ...

Das diesjährige Ratzinger-Schülerkreistreffen ging gestern mit einer Eucharistiefeier zuende

Ratzinger Schülerkreis, Abschlussmesse unter dem Vorsitz des Emeritus Michelangelo Nasca berichtet bei VaticanInsider : hier geht´s zum Original : klicken "Das diesjährige Treffen des Ratzinger-Schülerkreises, eines theologischen Projektes, das alljährlich Joseph Ratzinger und seine Ex-Studenten, Do ...

Could this company quadruple this week?

August 25, 2014 Find out why this company is soaring this week YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS | CONTACT US | UNSUBSCRIBE | MANAGE MY PREFERENCES COPYRIGHT SelectedOTC, INC (0be438d0b29fbb2bbde51cd601d741aa59d146bd6010d91e658f4cb6bb4659) Customer Service Department, 410 South 11th Street Emmaus, PA 18098 Please ...

Between the State of the City of London and the Crown*

Between the State of the City of London and the Crown* By Julian Websdale World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The modern world of so-called Western Civilization began at the end of the 17th century with the blossoming of the British Empire. That empire actu ...

Beginning another year of RelEd

Took me a while to realize what all the acronym and abbreviations I see are meant to indicate - catechists like jargon as much as those in any line, I suppose. Anyway, RelEd is how we are currently naming the processes, although most of the quasi-official papers that pass through our hands seem to u ...

Pope Francis' Letter To The Foley Family Joins Them In Mourning For James

Upon learning about the murder of American journalist James Foley at the hands of the militant Islamic State, Pope Francis sent a letter to the Foley family expressing his deepest condolences. >He also personally called them at their New Hampshire home, speaking for twenty minutes through a tra ...

Could this company quadruple this week?

August 25, 2014 Find out why this company is soaring this week YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS | CONTACT US | UNSUBSCRIBE | MANAGE MY PREFERENCES COPYRIGHT SelectedOTC, INC (ce7de7214f3f806d03391df901597acd32d0c8b0af7a7223705f517668956842) Customer Service Department, 410 South 11th Street Emmaus, PA 18098 Plea ...

My 50th

Aida at the Arena in Verona I’m spoilt. I know I am, but does it stop me from being a little Diva and demanding more? [Sigh] No, of course it doesn’t. I’m not stupid! For the last couple of decades, whenever the question of ‘big birthday’ celebrations have come up my one and only desire has been ‘to ...

Museum piece #16 – Cat. 22690

Vatican Museums Cat. 22690 Naophorous statue of Udjahorresnet (Source: Author). Earlier this month as a part of my honeymoon, I had the immense pleasure of visiting the wonderful treasure trove that is the Vatican Museums. Of course, I was heading straight for the Egyptian antiquities in the Museo G ...

Polish archbishop appeals defrocking for sexual abuse: Vatican

Jozef Wesolowski, who had served as a Vatican nuncio or ambassador to the Caribbean nation, was sentenced in late June to be expelled from the priesthood, an extremely rare step against such a senior church official. "Former nuncio Josef Wesolowski has ...

Vatican says ex-ambassador has no immunity and could be tried for sex abuse by Dominican court

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican says its former ambassador to the Dominican Republic, who has been accused of sexually abusing young boys in the Caribbean country, has lost his diplomatic immunity and could be tried by Dominican courts. The Vatican spokesman ...

Vatican advisor: anti-Ebola effort needs international backup

This is a syndicated post from CNA Daily News. [Read the original article...] Vatican City, Aug 25, 2014 / 12:08 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Though the Church and others are doing much to help Ebola victims, “extraordinary measures” are needed to halt the ...

Vatican: Former diplomat who abused children could face extradition

(RNS) As Pope Francis tries to reshape the Catholic Church’s response to the clergy sex abuse crisis, the case of Jozef Wesolowski , the former nuncio — or Vatican ambassador — to the Dominican Republic has drawn close scrutiny, most recently in ...

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