Sunday, August 24, 2014

Accused of abuse, archbishop sent away from Dominican back to Vatican

Accused of abuse, archbishop sent away from Dominican back to Vatican

The Vatican has caused an outcry after Jozef Wesolowski avoided charges in the Dominican. SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic – He was a familiar figure to the skinny shoeshine boys who work along the oceanfront promenade here. Wearing black track pants ...

Lack of prospects, financial lure pushing youth to IS: Vatican

Vatican City (AFP) - Young Syrians are gravitating towards the radical Islamic State due to a lack of prospects and the lure of financial support more than "ideological conviction", the pope's Syria envoy said Saturday. IS militants, which have been active ...

Ecuador to grant same-sex unions ID recognition

Ecuador to grant same-sex unions ID recognition President Rafael Correa said Saturday that people in same-sex civil unions now can include their status on national ID cards in Ecuador, where gay marriage is illegal. "Gays, lesbians, transgender and transsexual people have the full constitutional rig ...

Peter and the papacy: a call to sacrificial service

Our readings today, especially our readings from the Old Testament and from St Matthew's Gospel, give us insight into the nature of the papacy, which was established by Jesus Christ. Peter is to be a servant of the master like Eliakim, not like Shebna. As such, he is to be a father to the household ...

Why Don't Muslims Speak Out Against ISIS?!

ABC News’ Laura Ingraham, Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends and other U.S. media commentators say that Muslims are silent and complicit in the barbarian crimes of ISIS. Fox News host Andrea Tantaros said that all Muslims are the same as ISIS, and implied that all Muslims should be met “with a bu ...

Real Black Freedom Temporarily stalled during sixties is because of the input of so-called Black Africans who don't consider themselves Black and their alliance with White Zionist Communist calling th ...

Black folk as slaves of America-living under the Constitution of this land, this is serious business and why there had to be 'Divine Intervention' during the sixties on behalf of yours truly concerning the original state of Jacob's Israel and the descendants within the blood line of those original p ...

[ Rome, la ville éternelle : partie 2 ]

Le lendemain matin, nous avons décidé de se promener dans les jardins de la Villa Borghèse, juste à côté de notre hôtel. Elle a été bâtie à 1633 par un Cardinal pour accueillir sa collection d'oeuvre d'Art, la Villa est aujourd'hui un musée public (la Galerie Borghèse). Les jardins qui entourent cet ...

Catholic journalist takes on new role ‘to shape coverage’

Along with the liberal pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, Catholic-baiting Margery Eagan, a former columnist for the Boston Herald, and the current resident anti-Catholics at the Boston Globe: ex-priest James Carroll and Lisa Wangsness, who falsely denounced Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer to Worcest ...

converse pas cheres Né en 1965, le môme grandit dans le Connecticut, forme avec deu

Né en 1965, le môme grandit dans le Connecticut, forme avec deuxtrois abrutis le combo punk hardcore The Vatican Commandos, puis se tire à New York. Il y fait le DJ, participe au groupe Ultra Vivid Scene, s’immerge dans l’électronique, enregistre quelques maxis.Aujourdhui, cest donc lhippodrome de B ...

Pelosi gets tough on Pope Francis regime

Pelosi gets tough on Pope Francis regime Posted on August 23, 2014 Posted by Mr TM It seems not everybody is charmed by Pope Francis. Indeed, one prominent US politician, Nancy Pelosi, is planning very stern measu ...

21st Sunday: "You are the Christ!"

(Rubens) "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah" Is 22: 19-23 Rm 11: 33 – 36 Mt 16: 13-20 I think we can safely assume that as the disciples spent more and more time with Jesus their relationship changed dramatically. You spend time with someone and you learn far more about what they are like, what th ...

Catholic priests and young boys

You may think you know what the title of this Rumination refers to. When the film Au Revoir, Les Enfants (written and directed by Louis Malle, 1987) begins, you see a Catholic private boarding school for boys. You see suspicious-looking priests and friars, shepherding the boys about, overseeing thei ...

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