Thursday, November 1, 2012

Is life unfair because God is unfair or is life unfair because mankind is unfair, what do you guys think

Is life unfair because God is unfair or is life unfair because mankind is unfair, what do you guys think?
I guess throughout existence, kings, presidents, etc. have all been corrupted and have let this world to be as it is because of greed. Rich people contribute to campaigns to certain government leaders to keep them rich and keep poor poorer with a minimum wage. Now Obama wants everyone to have health care and everyone will have to pay for it even though if you don't need it you will have to pay. Them it reminds of mobsters that use to charge for protection from the protectors them selves. Why doesn't Obama just have eligible civilians that can't afford health care and help those individuals that actually do need it and not to those other millions of potential people that don't need it. It will be just money spend that could have but food instead it will be a waist to go to corrupt officials as usual. This government isn't perfect too but they they are professionals at taking money from the public and hiding themselves really good and say they are good while they take your money away. This goes out for everyone on the Earth. Corrupt officials steal within the law. Gangster and Mobsters at least don't pretend they are good. And worst from all religion leaders who con people out of their hard earned money that God has bless them everyday. They shall deserve God's worst wrath for using God's name to con people out of their money. God doesn't need money but I tell you who does and exploits people out of it with guilt. The pope is definately on my list. He is living like a royal king with all its percks and does nothing but study and live a more then fantastic life and all those other people around him but I have never seen those hard earned money that goes to the Vatican to feed the starving people on Earth. Why feed them when they are feeding them selves and living like kings right? Rich people elect officials to their offices and make laws to keep them rich and poor poorer with this bs minimum wage just to pay the rent and have peasant life style of fun. This ain't right and they know it and won't, don't, want to change their immoral life's. This is my philosophy, tell me if this is a good life style to live. This is my observation from the Earth. The bigger fish most of the time if not always eats the little fish. While a herd of elephants protect them selves with unity and strength. Right now I am a sheep among wolfs, but as God as my Sheppard. He will guide me away from temptation and make me an elephant with my herd of good people that will protect me. I live my life as middle class in my gated community with good people that help each other out, while i'll let the gangster and officials and mafias kill each other out for greed, power, and lust. That is why I think good will prevail because bad people do bad things like kill each other and have no code of conduct, while good people help each other out and have respect and honor. That is why good will always prevail over evil entities who can't be trust worth or have a code of conduct. While good people trust each other out, help each other out, and have honer to respect that code of conduct. What do you guys think about my philosophy? same with atheist, they say they are good but their character shows differet. They are bulger, proud, and verry rude. But not a lot of good thest have this traits.
Religion & Spirituality - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Life is fair or unfair mainly due to random chance.
2 :
Definitely would have to go with mankind is unfair.
3 :
Blaming others for your problems is moronic Wishfully think there is s.o responsible for your life is silly STAND ON YOUR OWN FEET
4 :
Neither. Life is not unfair. It just IS. It only seems unfair because of our expectations.
5 :
people make life unfair not god money is needed to do god's work in purchasing materials and goods for help to the poor and needy
6 :
You lack historical knowledge, many of the Orthodox princes and Czars through out the ages have been pious people, some of whom have eventually taken up monasticism (as in the case of Saint Sava and Saint Simeon, of the Nemanjic Dynasty). Life is unfair because of self-will.
7 :
You seem really negative about the world, and only look at the bad. As a christian aren't you supposed to only look at the good and appreciate what god has given you. One thing that will always be true, "as long as there is man, there will be war" men will never completely agree, everybody thinks different, there is no way "evil" will ever dissapear. Because believe it or not, there's actually evil people out there ,that enjoy doing evil, and see it as a good thing. But whose to say it is a bad thing, if you think about it, there really is no such thing as good or bad, people can be raised to think different things as children, and whatever they are taught might be bad, but only to you, to them it might be a good thing. Just think about it. Since you're christian live up to your word and appreciate what god gives you, only look at the good in this world, why look at the bad if you aren't going to do anything about it?
8 :
One can help to make life more fair by praying the rosary regularly for peace.
9 :
Life seem unfair to human judgment. But everything has their share of pain, guilt and hatred. The poor suffer physical pain. Human nature is programed in survival of the fittest or survival of the richest or most accomplishment. The rich suffer hatred from the poor and other rich. The poor die sad, the rich die hated. The corrupt will someday fall. Like you, I want to eliminate those people who steal, oppress and manipulate. But it will end in a cycle of hatred and guilt. We will always be overshadowed by desires, and eternal search for happiness. You don't have to let things you wish happen in an instant. God will say no, yes and wait. Time is set for the sinners. They may gain money and power but it will someday return to dust and ashes. If you look on the positive side, you will see you are better than other people. The only way to make people around you feel better is to show respect to them. Both good and bad people have enemies. Good people live honestly and die happy. Pass on smiles and kindness and somehow you can change the world.

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