Friday, October 7, 2011

Where do unbaptized babies go when they die

Where do unbaptized babies go when they die?
Since The Vatican has revised what it teaches on the subject matter, unbaptized babies are now able to reach heaven. My question is since aborted babies will now reach heaven how is that fair? If this is true wouldn't it be better for everyone to abort their babies so they can reach heaven? This doesn't seem to fair to the rest of mankind as they have to live in a world of suffering and if we choose not to believe in God we will not reach heaven. In what way is this fair since aborted babies never had to make a choice, but then reach heaven for nothing.
Religion & Spirituality - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Into tiny caskets, and then into the cremation furnace, or into the ground - like everyone else.
2 :
Don't turn your love of abortion into a theological question. If you support abortion you are a murderer. Just as much as if you did it yourself.
3 :
Babies can't even sin, so they do not need to be baptized. People should be baptized when they understand what sin is and not against their own will. The catholic tradition makes no sense according to the bible.
4 :
All children to the time that they can understand the gospel message go to heaven. This can be up to age eight. They cannot be judged if they could not understand the question they were being asked. What are you doing with Christ more importantly?
5 :
Read Luke 18:15-17
6 :
the bible does't state that everyone goes to heavan. the bible says that 144,000 goes to heavan. however, the bible states that the "righteous" will be ressurected to live forever, here on earth. psalms 37:9, 10 and psalm 37:29 the bible also states that the dead, are just that: dead. eccleciastes 9:10 the vatican have been mending their teachings to conform with what people want to hear. the bible however, tell you what God wants you to know. ps it's interesting how, when people quote the bible or stand up for their beliefs, people think that their crazy, creepy or weird. i think those people are just afraid of the immensity of the things they don't is it creepy when i'm simply proving that i've read a book that almost everyone owns?
7 :
8 :
The Catholic Church never "believed" in limbo. The existence of limbo for unbaptized infants is not part of divine revelation, but rather was and is an educated theological "guess." The term was coined by St. Augustine of Hippo and literally means "fringe." This came about because God has not chosen to reveal what happens to deceased unbaptized infants. We know that baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation (John 3:5) because God revealed this. We also know that something called "baptism of desire" is possible. Since unbaptized infants seem incapable of any "desire" or act of their will, theologians have speculated throughout the ages about their destiny in this context St. Augustine thought that it would be an offense against God's justice to suppose He would allow such creatures to suffer any pain, but that rather God places such infants in a state of "natural," but not supernatural happiness for eternity. This he called "limbo." Cheers :-)
9 :
All babies will go to heaven when they die, no matter what the circumstances are, but when a child reaches the age of accountability, that is a different story!
10 :
On the subject of being fair, what is not fair my friend is the fact that the aborted baby never had a chance at life. The baby was MURDERED before it even had a shot. As far as baptism is concerned, it is not a requirement for salvation. The bible says to repent and believe the gospel. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Repent of your sins. You know you have violated God's commandments, and because of that we are doomed, and then put your trust and faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Biblically that is how you obtain salvation, and your ticket to heaven. Scripture is the authority on all things, not the Pope of the Vatican.
11 :
Children can't make a valid decision on where and how their life will be headed so why the hell does everyone force them to get splashed with some water? It's a parents ignorant form of insurance. In my opinion this is where religion shouldn't force people at such young ages into beliefs because all it spawns is brainwashed attendees of the simplest form. Wait until they can make the choice for themselves, you'll be amazed with the product. As for where anyone for that matter goes when death reaches us we haven't the foggiest.
12 :
First of all, no declaration by the vatican is going to change anything. God either has always received infants or He has not. I think there is biblical warrant to prove He has and does, but He gives us life to go through the cocoon process that each of us endures so that we will be mature butterflies in heaven. Know what I mean? This life is not pointlessly hard, it is life on earth. It is a gift, it is precious, and it is to be lived fully for God's glory, in bad times and good. That people murder infants in their mother's womb is no great advantage. Would you like to be doused in acid, or dissected by a doctor and thrown in the trash? Then, to top it off, you wind up in heaven retarded. I don't mean mentally handicapped, but you do not have the earthly experience that everyone else went through so that God could form us and make us fit for heaven. Instead, everything will be second hand. It will still be heaven, and it will still be absolutely wonderful for everyone, but just as you would not wish to be murdered tomorrow so that you don't have to endure hardship for the rest of your natural life, neither would these children, who are not children in heaven, wish to be aborted if they had a "choice" in the matter.
13 :
Hello, i will respectfully answer your question, as i know what an emotional issue this is. For the record i will state that i do not agree with abortion in any way shape or form. I am a wiccan, and we believe that when we die,born yet or not, we return to the summer lands to join the pool of souls awaiting rebirth into the world. When we are in the summerlands we take stock of our lives and the point of evolution our soul is at. Then we choose our next life depending on the lesons we need to still learn, in order for our souls to evolve. We know our lives and what they hold in store for us and choose them before we enter our chosen mothers womb. Then we are reborn, and hopefully learn the lessons in that life we went to learn. Then the pattern repeats itself untill we have sufficently reached a point of perfect wisdom and love so to speak. Everyone good, bad or in between goes to the summerlands. We have a responsibility to our soul to do our best at remembering our chosen lessons and carring out the appropriate choices here on earth. If we fail it just delays the process of reaching the pinnicale. Un fortunatly we have a habit of forgetting what we came here to learn...i believe that de ja vu is our souls giving us a little kick so to speak, to remind us of these lessons. When this happens to me, i try to step back from the situation i am in at the time, and ask myself, am i really dealing with this the right way? An i showing my best side? Am i doing my best? Because if i fail, i will just have to go through it all again in another life here on earth. I hope i have not confused you as i am not very good at putting my thoughts into words...perhaps if you are interested you could just research the wiccan summerlands, i am sure there will be someone who can explain this better than myself!! Babies those that are aborted and those innocent children that die, knew what their time here would involve, and we must accept that they made the choice to carry it through, because the lessons were invaluable! Mabey an aborted baby had done this to another soul in a previous life time and to be on the other end of it is good for their souls.Maybe an abusied child had been the abuser before...we must have faith that their souls made the choice because it is what was needed to progress.. We must therefore just accept that there is a devine purpose for all that happens in our lives, as hard as it may seem at the time. I hope that i have shown here how i feel about this sensitive issue, and leave you with the Phrase "everything happen for a reason, which is not always obvious her on earth, but is understood and accepted quite happily in the summerlands. The babies knew what their fate was to be yey they chose it because the benifit to their souls was worth it. That said i still feel abortion is murder, and should never be contemplated . Thank you for listening! Blessed Be! )O( Ariel
14 :
You see that's the problem with Catholicism, they constantly change their teachings, they teach this stuff today and the next day they teach a different doctrine! The Roman Catholic Church, in my opinion, is the most prolific in changing teachings for the last 2000 years. How come that's the case? Because they root their teachings with tradition (human traditions that is) rather than what the Bible teaches. Human traditions are generally flawed, while the Bible, also admitted by most Catholics, is the infallible and sole authority of a Christian faith. One of the attributes of God is that he is unchanging, he does not contradict what He says, ironically, that's what Catholicism is all about, changing doctrines and stuff. How absurd! As for unborn babies not baptized, they will inherit heaven. Baptism does not dictate whether you will go to heaven or not as the Roman Catholic church teaches. Salvation comes throught faith in Christ not baptism. Baptism symbolizes that you are turning from your old wicked ways as you come to faith in Christ. In the Bible, there had been no mention of a baby or a child being baptized, it is rather called dedication of a baby to God, as what Elizabeth did when she dedicated the baby John the Baptist to God. Remember, children has a special place in Jesus heart as they are innocent and has not sinned just yet.
15 :
They go into a asleep like state. Jhn 11:11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Isa 26:14 [They are] dead, they shall not live; [they are] deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their "memory to perish." Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, Salvation is a free gift to all imperfect sinful man. Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Baptism is not required to get into God's kingdom as shown as Jesus allowed the unbaptized thief into the kingdom. Luk 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Baptism is to show you want to stop your former ways and follow Christ. Mat 3:11 "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance:"
16 :
Bingo. That's the flaw with free will, if you can't decide for yourself, free ticket to Heaven. Maybe it's better for atheists to die in their sleep then, unless it just goes back to the last time you were awake (haven't found that one in the Bible yet). But you're right, abort 'em if you don't want to risk it, that's free will when it's brought to its logical conclusion. The real answer: Do you think God just might be smart enough to do the right thing? Wouldn't He be glorified anyway in what he rightfully does with His creation? If every knee shall bow, that is an absolute admission of His righteousness, we don't have to make decisions for God.

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